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    hace 1 año


    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    Long Xuyen


    No hay artículos en el inventario


    No hay artículos en el inventario


    No hay artículos en el inventario

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    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    Yo, I plan on continuing to main my DPS Warrior into TBC (I’m getting glaives or I’m gonna die trying) I’m currently mining/engin, and plan on staying with these profs until 70, where I’ll drop mining for blacksmithing

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    Last Day On Earth is one of the best zombie-themed survival games out there, and to help many clueless beginners

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    When a jungler is at least two levels

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    The free game is also fitting, since Opera GX is a browser specifically designed for gamers

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    The Best and The Most Expensive Path of Exile Items

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    Released in 2016, Black Desert quickly became one of the most notable online role-playing games on the market. Besides the impressive gameplay, the process of creating characters in the game is also one of the extremely interesting and attractive points for gamers. The character creation part is also noticed and loved by many players. Gamers can create their own characters with any shape and status. From tall, big, fat, thin to extremely sexy female characters... It all depends on the imagination and design skills of the player's own.

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    With Fortnite - a game based on Playerunknown's Battlegrounds with Battle Royale mode - even though it has just been released, it can't escape this age-old problem. Even the "storm" of hacking is rampant, causing the Vietnamese FBR gaming community and the whole world to have a headache

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    It can be seen that online games in Vietnam have never escaped the problem of hacking. This is like a difficult problem to solve because no matter how hard you try to escape, any game that has been released has to struggle with components called "hackers".

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare is half prequel, half reboot to the Modern Warfare franchise. The game takes place before the events of Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but since this is a re-imagining of the entire story, developer Infinity Ward still has plenty of room to not simply revisit the events of those earlier games, but alter and expand upon them however they see fit.

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    Tema comentado I really need a team .
    hace 3 años

    Anyone play here CSGO DMG?

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    hace 3 años

    Counter strike global offensive is best shoting game out there, but I still didnt play

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    Has alcanzado el nivel 2
    hace 3 años
    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    El usuario y aniss ahora son amigos
    hace 6 años
    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    recibió un premio M4A4 | Jungle Tiger.
    hace 6 años
    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    Tema comentado Your favourite gun?.
    hace 6 años

    AWP + UMP-45

    LeeHansae1987 badge
    LeeHansae1987 avatar
    Ha participado en el giveaway The mutton horn - Jump jump!
    hace 6 años


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