AdminJoshverd: ricardoFlick emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconJason: pepeJAM emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: Hello! 
unranked rank iconosiel nicolas: Ho!la
unranked rank iconJason: also anybody know how long the lootably clash offers take to track? guessing mine didn't
unranked rank iconJason: can my offer be released please :)
unranked rank iconLetra Chica: 1f630 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconYobz: What a shame, for me it's normal to see this type of messages  1f605 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconJason: oh ok
AdminSwirfty: End of the week. A countdown will be added tomorrow 
unranked rank iconJason: also when does the leaderboard payout?
unranked rank iconJason: ok
AdminSwirfty: Depends on the offer
unranked rank iconJason: in most cases
unranked rank iconJason: do you release with proof if it gets held?
unranked rank iconJason: oh ok
AdminSwirfty: Everyone is different, your rewards might get held or they might not 
unranked rank iconJason: it won't get held if I do those toro casino offers Jacob did?
AdminJoshverd: Bienvenidos al nuevo sitio web :)
unranked rank iconElleonorIII: Hola, alguno de la antigua página? 
unranked rank iconJason: ok thanks
apprentice rank iconJacob: Usually less
apprentice rank iconJacob: Few hours Jason
unranked rank icontreno9089: Ciao
unranked rank iconJason: Hey how long  do the rustclash wds take to process?
AdminJoshverd: Yes, you can redeem a Visa Gift Card or you can redeem to your bank account, then pay with the card or bank account on Amazon.
unranked rank iconRithika Udawattage: can I use this to buy things from amazon?
AdminJoshverd: Unfortunately, PayPal, Venmo, Visa, and Bank Transfer are not supported in Venezuela  1f641 emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconYobz: :(
unranked rank iconYobz: Venezuela



Gra ktoś ?

Kubecho avatar


November 23, 2016 at 12:43 AM

Czy ktoś w to jeszcze gra? :D

Bvizard avatar


November 25, 2016 at 04:59 AM

Ja myślę, ale nie wiem jak to mam zrobić, żeby móc zdobywać te klejnoty.
Konto już sobie zrobiłem, ale co dalej?, jakoś to mam połączyć?, pobrać jakiś program {oczywiście prócz gry}?, czy co?

Kubecho avatar


November 25, 2016 at 06:19 PM

screena musisz wysłać

Bvizard avatar


November 26, 2016 at 12:54 AM

O dzięki.

fragerXD avatar


November 28, 2016 at 04:21 AM

o dzięki.

Kubecho avatar


November 28, 2016 at 04:59 AM


Piesio13 avatar


December 13, 2016 at 05:25 AM

Ja gram od dawna i nadal pogrywam w nocy xD

Okp avatar


December 29, 2016 at 10:21 PM

Ja gram

Kubecho avatar


January 6, 2017 at 08:39 PM

okk :)

Kubracz avatar


January 7, 2017 at 05:11 PM

Kiedyś ludzi było więcej, ale po patchu 4.8 zaczęli odchodzić. Większość moich znajomych już nie gra. Teraz na patchu 5.1 też słyszę, że ludzie zamierzają odejść.

Lotheru avatar


January 8, 2017 at 09:04 PM

ja gram już z pół roku ;p

Kubecho avatar


January 8, 2017 at 10:47 PM

ok, dzieki :D

CyganoRonaldo avatar


January 15, 2017 at 01:04 AM

ja w to nie grałem i ni chce :/

Szaluna avatar


April 25, 2017 at 07:09 PM

Ja wciąż gram :D

Gra ktoś ? - Aion Forum on Gamehag