unranked rank iconJon Doe: are the accounts from the old website gone for good? or you have them saved? any way to access them to get our items/game keys?
unranked rank iconmerkuri83: А на что собственно тратить камни?
AdminSwirfty: The new version of Gamehag is here to stay 
unranked rank iconRyhu Ryans: corect
AdminJoshverd: Incorrect
unranked rank iconRyhu Ryans: EVERYONE dont earn gems because they will be deleted anyway
unranked rank iconRyhu Ryans: stupid
AdminSwirfty: Unfortunately, we were unable to transfer accounts over from the old website 
unranked rank iconRyhu Ryans: why did they delete all my gems?
unranked rank icondoggyeatsillegalgrenades: wut
unranked rank iconDoggy: what
unranked rank iconvoidXgamer99: did they ruined the platform?
unranked rank iconJon Doe: where are my items, my game keys?
AdminSwirfty: You can earn Gems by completing offers
unranked rank iconheprer: any way to get my gems back?
AdminSwirfty: Not currently but we do plan to bring a new version of chests back 
unranked rank iconfirecracker10324: do chests no longer exists
unranked rank iconwingyipfuji: What?
unranked rank iconDaniel Glavota: I contacted support and they said unfortunately there is no way to transfer from the old gamehag to the new one.
unranked rank iconDaniel Glavota:  Without warning they snatched a bunch of gems from me.
unranked rank iconAndy Bensemhoun: hello
unranked rank icon3RR0R404: Olá
unranked rank iconPickleMinion: why the mobile app still not working?
AdminJoshverd: ricardoFlick emote (inline chat version)
unranked rank iconJason: pepeJAM emote (inline chat version)
AdminSwirfty: Hello! 
unranked rank iconosiel nicolas: Ho!la
unranked rank iconJason: also anybody know how long the lootably clash offers take to track? guessing mine didn't
unranked rank iconJason: can my offer be released please :)
unranked rank iconLetra Chica: 1f630 emote (inline chat version)



Muro del universo?

4l4n1234 avatar


October 30, 2020 at 09:20 PM

hola alguien sabe como funciona el muro del universo, porque yo complete una tarea y no recibo gemas.

Melonchan avatar


October 30, 2020 at 10:06 PM

Funciona como todos los muros.
Realiza las instrucciones completas y te dan las gemas al instante... o en unos minutos (a veces tardan 1 día). Fíjate bien cuales te piden llegar a cierto nivel y en cuanto tiempo (hay unas que en lugar de jugar, te piden hacer una compra).

Allí he realizado la tarea de Uber Eats, Club Premier y uno que otro jueguito de android.

marisolpinto9061977 avatar


October 30, 2020 at 10:10 PM

xd como se sube de nivel

Pepinillodemar avatar


June 25, 2024 at 01:36 AM

como puedo entrar a un moro desde una pc

Pepinillodemar avatar


June 25, 2024 at 03:34 AM

esque no me aparce



July 18, 2024 at 05:53 AM

una pregunta, a vosotros os a funcionado lo de las monedas virtuales gratis? si lo habeis hecho, por que no quiero estar haciendo mogollón de misiones para nada

Adri_222 avatar


July 18, 2024 at 07:47 PM


Alazita avatar


July 18, 2024 at 08:02 PM

comento para ganar gemas :100:

Muro del universo? - Conversaciones Generales Forum on Gamehag