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    Julio_Lokin, 30 september 2017 05:45

    World Of Tanks Tips

    World of Tanks is an MMO developed by Wargaming. It is possible to play World of Tanks for free, but you can gain access to premium features.Players controls an armed vehicle that can be a light, medium, heavy tank, tank destroyer or self-propelled weapon. The player chooses the armed vehicle and is placed in a battle on a random map. In vehicle control he must move around the map, communicate with other players via chat and use predefined actions that give tactical instructions to team members. To win the match you need to eliminate all vehicles from the enemy team or capture the base present in some game modes.

    And now here are some tips for you in World Of Tanks

    Light Tanks

    -Light tanks are the eyes and ears of the team. Use your superior mobility to locate the enemy, contact the team and quickly come back protecting yourself without your opponent noticing.

    Tips for Light Tanks

    -Always be on the move. Its armor is weak and withstands little damage, so it may be necessary to avoid conflict to survive in battle.
    To play with this type of tank is good to have patience. Sometimes it's best to wait for your fellows with tougher tanks to wipe out enemies before you can enter their territory.

    Medium Tanks

    -Medium tanks have the attributes of armor, speed and fire power quite varied. Assemble your strategy taking into account the individual characteristics of the tank. With this type of tank you can do everything from escort to support or even attack on the front line.

    -Two are always better than one. Stay abreast with another medium tank to fight heavier vehicles effectively.
    As a medium tank you will be tasked with various tasks, so always talk to your teammates to set strategy before and during the battle.

    Heavy Tanks

    -Strongly armored and loaded with powerful weapons, like a heavy tank you are a force that does not go unnoticed.

    -Just because you are controlling a large, strong tank does not mean it has no weaknesses. Try to keep your back and sides protected when you are going to battle.
    You do not always have to stay on the front lines. Getting farther back you can eliminate enemies faster and sometimes catch distracted enemies by protecting your base.

    Tank Destroyers

    -They are well equipped machines that can wipe out the enemy's armor at a long distance without being seen. Find a good hiding place, switch to sniper mode, and eliminate easy targets on the map.

    -Shoot and hide. Find a good cover point so your tank destroyer is hidden until you attack. After shooting, look for a new place to hide immediately.
    Keep an eye on the target. Its front armor will keep you protected in a gunshot whenever you face it.
    Self-Propelled Guns
    SPGs have weak armor but have immense firepower. With the ability to reach targets anywhere on the map from virtually any location, even if you're under cover. SPGs can change the course of the battle in the blink of an eye.

    Self-Propelled Guns

    -SPGs have weak armor but have immense firepower. With the ability to reach targets anywhere on the map from virtually any location, even if you're under cover. SPGs can change the course of the battle in the blink of an eye.

    -To get the most damage, organize yourself with the escorts to reach difficult-to-reach enemies on the map.
    The ideal location for your GSP is secured, but unobstructed. You need to see everything on the map undetected by enemies. Your armor is weak, so try to stay in your team's territory.
    Think before you shoot. You have the greatest weapon on the team, but it takes time to reload, so plan your shots carefully.

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