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    Rate this article "Tomb raider 2013:Humble Review"

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    JohnAricsson, 4 october 2017 13:14

    Tomb raider 2013:Humble Review

    Tomb raider is an action adventure game which was developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix. Tomb  raider is the tenth sequel of the Tomb  Raider franchise. Tomb Raider is probably one of the best game that was released in 2013 and one of the most popular game in the tomb raider franchise.

    In this game you are playing as Lara Croft. You are an adventurer as well as an academic. You along with your crew and friends were searching for an Island full of Sun goddess relics. But a storm appears along with some pirates and your ship gets wrecked. You with your friends are now stranded on an Island full of mystery, ancient history and deadly cultists. This is where the story begins. The next day when you wake up after the storm, you find yourself in a place where you are alone and vulnerable. Now it’s up to you to use your survival instincts and the things you have learnt from your mentor and father to put it on a test to survive the Island and it’s crazy inhabitants. This is an open world game but the game isn’t completely open world game. The first hour is heavily scripted. The first hour is like Lara enduring severe punishment and suffering from unpleasant moments. In the early game Lara is struggling to survive against the harsh environment around her. The whole Island is surrounded by strong storms and there’s no way going out of the Island. But when she understands that she has to fight to  survive, she fights against all her emotion and physical struggles to make herself strong. It’s so incredible to witness Lara’s journey from the fearful individual she is when she first arrives on the Island to the Strong badass survivor she becomes later in the game. The whole story is so interesting, tense and immersing. I can bet you will enjoy every single part of the game. Discovering mysteries, collecting artifacts, finding chips or books and killing all the cultists are so satisfying. The intense action is one of my favourite parts. Lara moves so realistically and naturally catching ledges, jumping with good distance, clinging to walls and all of this are so smooth in this game. The voice acting is so good that it makes the game legendary to me.  Every single cutscenes are cinematic and realistic as well as integrated well with the normal gameplay. There are some epic cinematic cutscenes which I have never experienced before in any other videogames which makes the game really unique for me. The background music and sounds also adds up to the situation you are in which makes the game more realistic. Hunting, salvaging, making new weapons, adjustments and upgrading weapons makes the game a really good survival game. The level designer and the art designer both did a great job because the backgrounds and levels are so beautiful that it made the island lively. Exploration is a great part of this game which is really enjoyable especially at night. The atmosphere of survival is absolute perfect. This game might be easy at some points but very hard at some other points. The gameplay mechanics and fighting style is also awesome. Here is the link to the game trailer-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFBrgeSjj-0

    Overall this is one of my favourite game of all time. I give this game 10/9  and you must own this game.

    If I wanted I could have made the article huge but I like it easy,simple and short.I hope you will like my article and rate it.Have a nice day.

    Rate this article Tomb raider 2013:Humble Review

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    17 april 2020 13:26

    Amazing game 10/10

    12 october 2017 11:18

    I love that game lol

    19 october 2017 13:45

    I heard good things.

    11 october 2017 21:05

    A nice reboot

    25 february 2021 18:09

    Can't miss this game, it is is awesome

    16 june 2021 13:57

    humble review... I like such games but never played one... wish to

    10 october 2017 18:44

    Just a wall of texts - not intresting to read at all!

    25 december 2019 17:41