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    Rate this article "Sea of Thieves"

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    AaluPidalu, 1 june 2018 09:56

    Sea of Thieves

    Sea of Thieves is an open world action and adventure video game developed by Rare and published by Microsoft Studios for Windows 10 and Xbox One. The game allows players to live the life of a pirate, sailing the seas of a mythical world either solo or in a crew of up to four players. The game features both co-operative and player versus player combat and adventure. It was released to a list of few countries only on 20 March 2018 and received mixed reviews from critics. Producers; Joe Neate and Adam Park, Designer; Gregg Mayles have focused on making the game what a small child had always dreamed about that is becoming a pirate.

    The pirate themed game is played through first person perspective. Sea of Thieves is a shared game world, which means groups of players will encounter each other regularly throughout their adventures and travel. Sea of Thieves is a game where players travel a journey of pirate by assuming different roles such as steering, firing cannon, navigation, etc. One of the best things that I liked about the game is its weather environment. In the game, players encounter stormy weather as well as sunny weather. The setting of the sun also looks awesome and the lightening can also damage you. The game has also received a mixed review for its graphics some consider it as one of the best graphics from unreal where as few consider it as a bit cartoony poor kind of design. Well for those who consider its graphics as cartoony and poor, even Fortnight has such graphics. The design of a pirate has disappointed me though, when we say pirate we imagine as dangerous and ugly person with an eye patch and one broken leg, but in the game we can see a handsome pirate who doesn’t smoke. The cartoony graphics might also become a reason for some players to hate the game but overall its game performance is mind blowing. Unlike other games, Sea of Thieves made me wonder about the details and graphics about the game every time I started to play the game.

    One of the remarkable features of the game is obviously its game physics, from cannon projectile to bullet travel time and sailing speed according to wind speed, every physics work is great. It has some over exaggerated game physics like for example shooting oneself from a cannon, playing instruments under water, etc. The sailing physics has also gained a lot of praise for the game and why wouldn’t it, the sailing physics is almost as similar as in real life. The water physics has also been a great performance from this game. The sea waves formed due to the sailing of ship are also remarkable, they remind me about the first time when I went for fishing in a river. The light reflections from water and sword are also great, but most importantly the light reflection from water is great. There are some stupid things such as eating banana every time to increase health whether you are hit by bullet or sword and shooting oneself from a cannon. Also playing musical instruments under water is one of the stupidest things that the developer has made available in the game.

     No matter what, this game is a great time killer and addictive whether in squads or solos. Squads are even more fun than solo because you can focus on messing in game then completing the goal of the game like shooting yourself from cannon and crossing a bridge while getting drunk, yes you can get drunk in this game. Well you are a pirate and what’s the fun of becoming a pirate when you can’t even get drunk. You don’t have to worry if you are playing solo because there are a lot of players which are always messing in the game and having, you might encounter one of these players and you can also have fun with them. There are a lot of island where you have to find chest and fight with other pirates to take their chest, you have to dig chests as well when you solve the riddles for the chest through map. Solving those riddles are also one of the fun things to do in the game. You might also feel like black beard when you start the game but eventually when the game starts to progress you start feeling like black beard’s accountant who is always after treasures and is funny. The remarkable feature of the game is also playing of same music when any member of the crew starts a music. Playing music have always been my best thing to do in the game. It has some over exaggerated game physics like for example shooting oneself from a cannon, playing instruments under water, etc. The sailing physics has also gained a lot of praise for the game and why wouldn’t it, the sailing physics is almost as similar as in real life. The water physics has also been a great performance from this game. The sea waves formed due to the sailing of ship are also remarkable, they remind me about the first time when I went for fishing in a river. Sea of Thieves is a game where players travel a journey of pirate by assuming different roles such as steering, firing cannon, navigation, etc. One of the best things that I liked about the game is its weather environment. In the game, players encounter stormy weather as well as sunny weather. The setting of the sun also looks awesome and the lightening can also damage you. One of the remarkable features of the game is obviously its game physics, from cannon projectile to bullet travel time and sailing speed according to wind speed, every physics work is great. It has some over exaggerated game physics like for example shooting oneself from a cannon, playing instruments under water, etc. No matter what, this game is a great time killer and addictive whether in squads or solos. Squads are even more fun than solo because you can focus on messing in game then completing the goal of the game like shooting yourself from cannon and crossing a bridge while getting drunk, yes you can get drunk in this game.

    One day while I was sailing through skull island I encountered some skeletons, I fought with them and later went to the skull island. Skull island is a great place to find chests but you cant survive the waves of skeletons unless you are in a crew. That’s the only tip that I can give you because the rest is a history. Now get ready to raise your anchor and start sailing in the seas to hunt other crews. Whatever destiny a traveler on the Sea of Thieves chooses to follow, it begins with exploration. This ever-changing ocean realm is rich in islands, each curled protectively around its secrets, and outposts where hauls are cashed and tankards bashed with friends and strangers alike. However this game is not free to play, you have to pay to play the game, which is a huge headache for most of the players. The game allows players to live the life of a pirate, sailing the seas of a mythical world either solo or in a crew of up to four players. The game features both co-operative and player versus player combat and adventure. You might also feel like black beard when you start the game but eventually when the game starts to progress you start feeling like black beard’s accountant who is always after treasures and is funny. The remarkable feature of the game is also playing of same music when any member of the crew starts a music. Playing music have always been my best thing to do in the game. It has some over exaggerated game physics like for example shooting oneself from a cannon, playing instruments under water, etc. The sailing physics has also gained a lot of praise for the game and why wouldn’t it, the sailing physics is almost as similar as in real life. The water physics has also been a great performance from this game. One day while I was sailing through skull island I encountered some skeletons, I fought with them and later went to the skull island. Skull island is a great place to find chests but you cant survive the waves of skeletons unless you are in a crew. That’s the only tip that I can give you because the rest is a history. Now get ready to raise your anchor and start sailing in the seas to hunt other crews.

    One of the remarkable features of the game is obviously its game physics, from cannon projectile to bullet travel time and sailing speed according to wind speed, every physics work is great. It has some over exaggerated game physics like for example shooting oneself from a cannon, playing instruments under water, etc. The sailing physics has also gained a lot of praise for the game and why wouldn’t it, the sailing physics is almost as similar as in real life. The water physics has also been a great performance from this game. The sea waves formed due to the sailing of ship are also remarkable, they remind me about the first time when I went for fishing in a river. The light reflections from water and sword are also great, but most importantly the light reflection from water is great. There are some stupid things such as eating banana every time to increase health whether you are hit by bullet or sword and shooting oneself from a cannon. Also playing musical instruments under water is one of the stupidest things that the developer has made available in the game. No matter what, this game is a great time killer and addictive whether in squads or solos. Squads are even more fun than solo because you can focus on messing in game then completing the goal of the game like shooting yourself from cannon and crossing a bridge while getting drunk, yes you can get drunk in this game. Well you are a pirate and what’s the fun of becoming a pirate when you can’t even get drunk. You don’t have to worry if you are playing solo because there are a lot of players which are always messing in the game and having, you might encounter one of these players and you can also have fun with them.

    Well for those who consider its graphics as cartoony and poor, even Fortnight has such graphics. The design of a pirate has disappointed me though, when we say pirate we imagine as dangerous and ugly person with an eye patch and one broken leg, but in the game we can see a handsome pirate who doesn’t smoke. The cartoony graphics might also become a reason for some players to hate the game but overall its game performance is mind blowing. Unlike other games, Sea of Thieves made me wonder about the details and graphics about the game every time I started to play the game. Producers; Joe Neate and Adam Park, Designer; Gregg Mayles have focused on making the game what a small child had always dreamed about that is becoming a pirate. Also playing musical instruments under water is one of the stupidest things that the developer has made available in the game. No matter what, this game is a great time killer and addictive whether in squads or solos. Squads are even more fun than solo because you can focus on messing in game then completing the goal of the game like shooting yourself from cannon and crossing a bridge while getting drunk, yes you can get drunk in this game. Well you are a pirate and what’s the fun of becoming a pirate when you can’t even get drunk. You don’t have to worry if you are playing solo because there are a lot of players which are always messing in the game and having, you might encounter one of these players and you can also have fun with them.

    Whatever destiny a traveler on the Sea of Thieves chooses to follow, it begins with exploration. This ever-changing ocean realm is rich in islands, each curled protectively around its secrets, and outposts where hauls are cashed and tankards bashed with friends and strangers alike. However this game is not free to play, you have to pay to play the game, which is a huge headache for most of the players. The pirate themed game is played through first person perspective. Sea of Thieves is a shared game world, which means groups of players will encounter each other regularly throughout their adventures and travel. Sea of Thieves is a game where players travel a journey of pirate by assuming different roles such as steering, firing cannon, navigation, etc. One of the best things that I liked about the game is its weather environment. In the game, players encounter stormy weather as well as sunny weather. The setting of the sun also looks awesome and the lightening can also damage you. The game has also received a mixed review for its graphics some consider it as one of the best graphics from unreal where as few consider it as a bit cartoony poor kind of design. Well for those who consider its graphics as cartoony and poor, even Fortnight has such graphics. The design of a pirate has disappointed me though, when we say pirate we imagine as dangerous and ugly person with an eye patch and one broken leg, but in the game we can see a handsome pirate who doesn’t smoke. The cartoony graphics might also become a reason for some players to hate the game but overall its game performance is mind blowing. Unlike other games, Sea of Thieves made me wonder about the details and graphics about the game every time I started to play the game. . You might also feel like black beard when you start the game but eventually when the game starts to progress you start feeling like black beard’s accountant who is always after treasures and is funny. The remarkable feature of the game is also playing of same music when any member of the crew starts a music. Playing music have always been my best thing to do in the game. It has some over exaggerated game physics like for example shooting oneself from a cannon, playing instruments under water, etc. One of the remarkable features of the game is obviously its game physics, from cannon projectile to bullet travel time and sailing speed according to wind speed, every physics work is great. It has some over exaggerated game physics like for example shooting oneself from a cannon, playing instruments under water, etc. The sailing physics has also gained a lot of praise for the game and why wouldn’t it, the sailing physics is almost as similar as in real life. The water physics has also been a great performance from this game. The sea waves formed due to the sailing of ship are also remarkable, they remind me about the first time when I went for fishing in a river. The light reflections from water and sword are also great, but most importantly the light reflection from water is great. There are some stupid things such as eating banana every time to increase health whether you are hit by bullet or sword and shooting oneself from a cannon. Also playing musical instruments under water is one of the stupidest things that the developer has made available in the game.

    Have fun playing the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rate this article Sea of Thieves

    (4.36/5) 61 rates


    Very Nice!

    18 june 2018 10:19

    Yarrrr! You'll be seein me on the seven sees again in notimeTime to get sum booty!

    30 july 2018 12:48

    Spectacular !

    19 june 2018 17:24

    Good work.

    10 june 2018 02:14

    i played this game for so long now

    11 april 2020 11:17

    just like we are real pirate i recommened you to downlaod this

    11 april 2020 11:17

    oh man i haave download this game before its amazing

    11 april 2020 11:16

    That's what i like to see. WP

    13 june 2018 13:53

    its really good

    20 june 2018 18:23

    Good job, keep it up!

    17 june 2018 07:05