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    Rate this article "Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows"

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    MrRiddick, 5 march 2018 19:16

    Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

    Turtles-ninjas to date, perhaps the most deprived of attention characters comics. While Batman, Spider-Man and other citizens bathe in glory every year, four representatives of reptiles are content with rare low-budget handicrafts of questionable quality. The last more or less noticeable event in the gaming world happened already in 2007, when TMNT appeared on the motives of the animated feature film of the same name. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows , like a small insect, crept to the date of its release quietly and imperceptibly. And the name of the studio-developer Red Fly does not cause any healthy associations, which, of course, is not very reassuring.

    The plot of the game tells of another large-scale war between four mutated turtles and villain-loser Schroeder. Everything is familiar: our characters live in a shelter equipped in the depths of the canal with all the comforts of civilization. Under the guidance of the master-rat master, the guys are improving their skills and absorbing pizza. Sometimes the fine journalist April visits friends. 

    With her, something happened - once the girl did not answer Donatello's call. Turtles blame Schroeder in everything and go to find out the relationship with the enemy, and at the same time reduce the number of his robotic and trained all types of martial arts troops.

    The authors did not bother much about the videos and decided to get by with little blood: the main part of the story events is served by interrupting the game process of the pictures executed in the style of comic books. They are painted simply, without any special artistic claims - the images are very similar to each other and have nothing to do with bright original comics. It seems their goal is to take time, and not to convey the essence of what is happening. 

    The gameplay in the best traditions of all games about turtles is reduced to endless melee fights. They killed a dozen ninjas in one room - welcome to another. And so to the end of the level, where we will meet a thick "boss", which will show all the bottomless depth of the local AI. If you are not playing in a cooperative mode with friends, then under your control there is only one turtle, while the rest is controlled by a computer. Prior to the meeting with the "boss" their behavior is not particularly censorious. Yes, somewhere Michelangelo rests his nose on the wall, somewhere Donatello thinks about the eternal, but in general these tricks are tolerable, because we can always do dirty work for our partners. But when the tortoise requires a concerted action, nothing can be done about it. Instead of carefully attacking the huge iron Cerberus, The fools in a fit of collective madness rush at him and die together. And alone to deal with the giant, believe me, it is very difficult.
     Throughout the level, dialogue between mutants does not stop. They discuss everything from the dead enemy to the lonely pizza lying in the sewer. At first, the humor and the characters of the turtles revealed in the dialogs amuse. But when the same lines are repeated dozens of times, nothing but irritation causes it. 

    Does not suffer from diversity and design locations. Most of the time we spend in the dark sewers and gloomy tunnels. The developers tried to dilute the dejection of New York streets and roofs, but the atmosphere is everywhere the same - we are moving along narrow corridors, upholstered in monotonous textures.

    And the feeling of constraint of movements arises first of all not because of lack of space. The problem is that any means of interaction with the environment are scripted and implemented in specially prepared places for this purpose. That is, we can not jump over to a liked roof or climb into a pipe, neither free parkour nor minimal degree of freedom here, alas, no. Turtles are born to crawl, not to fly, and Out of the Shadowsconstantly reminds of this.
    The main and only virtue of the game is the combat system. In general, its logic resembles the last parts of Batman , but differs from them in some details. We are also as peremptorily pounding opponents, in time using counterattacks and stuffing chains of combos to perform special tricks. After a successful ten-beat ligament, we can stick a super-spike, sending most of the enemies into the knockout. During battles, it is allowed to switch between turtles in order to make longer combinations. But if there is enough one button in Archem to perform amazingly spectacular movements, then the combat system offers about five active strikes, which, naturally, add up to an infinite number of chains.

    Considering the unique animation created for each tortoise, it is easy to imagine how beautiful and diverse the local wrestling looks. Leonardo deftly swings his swords, Rafael crushes reptiles in the saami, Michelangelo uses nunchakami, and Donatello masterfully owns the staff. Between missions we gain access to the "upgrade" of our turtles, each of which has its own skills and a tree of skills. Points earned during the task can be invested at their discretion - evenly distributed among all the characters or give preference to someone one.

    Open-minded morgue developers for some reason decided to diversify completely useless elements of stealth. When you press a certain key, the bugs squat and begin to move in single file. The control settings indicate that this action is called a stealth mode, but nothing more confirms this fact. The fact is that we can "sneak up" to a lone opponent unnoticed and canter. At the same time, often the opponent unexpectedly takes out swords and rushes at us, despite the fact that the turtles did not emit a sound, getting ready for it. However, even if the detection system worked decently, the size of the levels, the huge number of enemies, and the very logic of the gameplay completely disbelieve such a stealth.
    The main and only virtue of the game is the combat system. In general, its logic resembles the last parts of Batman , but differs from them in some details. We are also as peremptorily pounding opponents, in time using counterattacks and stuffing chains of combos to perform special tricks. After a successful ten-beat ligament, we can stick a super-spike, sending most of the enemies into the knockout. During battles, it is allowed to switch between turtles in order to make longer combinations. But if there is enough one button in Archem to perform amazingly spectacular movements, then the combat system offers about five active strikes, which, naturally, add up to an infinite number of chains.

    Considering the unique animation created for each tortoise, it is easy to imagine how beautiful and diverse the local wrestling looks. Leonardo deftly swings his swords, Rafael crushes reptiles in the saami, Michelangelo uses nunchakami, and Donatello masterfully owns the staff. Between missions we gain access to the "upgrade" of our turtles, each of which has its own skills and a tree of skills. Points earned during the task can be invested at their discretion - evenly distributed among all the characters or give preference to someone one.

    Open-minded morgue developers for some reason decided to diversify completely useless elements of stealth. When you press a certain key, the bugs squat and begin to move in single file. The control settings indicate that this action is called a stealth mode, but nothing more confirms this fact. The fact is that we can "sneak up" to a lone opponent unnoticed and canter. At the same time, often the opponent unexpectedly takes out swords and rushes at us, despite the fact that the turtles did not emit a sound, getting ready for it. However, even if the detection system worked decently, the size of the levels, the huge number of enemies, and the very logic of the gameplay completely disbelieve such a stealth.

    As a result, we did not receive a surprise for lovers of turtles. Out of the Shadows is an ordinary second-rate product, an unfortunate child of the studio with a small budget and experience. He is not remembered by anything, but not badly set fights can steal from you a couple of hours of life. If you yearn for times when the games did not require anything, except the gameplay, consisting in the constant beating of enemies, then the "Turtles" have a chance to like you. 


    Rate this article Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

    (5/5) 2 ratings


    TMNT used to be a pretty good cartoon series in my childhood...

    10 march 2018 16:25

    Considering the unique animation created for each tortoise, good game

    21 december 2020 20:06

    Best Review in this week Thx for it

    7 march 2018 18:55

    One of the best reviews. thanks a lot. plus i need exp

    2 september 2020 06:59

    Great game

    10 april 2018 23:48