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    MrRiddick, 13 march 2018 17:59

    Review: Gunbrick

    In the world of the future, people no longer drive cars. "Porsche" and UAZ were replaced by huge cubes, rolling from the brink to the edge. Cubes are called Gunbrick - that is, a "brick with a cannon", since they are also equipped with a gun from one side. It is this gift that the main character receives - and immediately embarks on a journey.

    Funny idea leads us to a two-dimensional puzzle platformer in the style of "pseudo-retror". The vehicle can roll on the "Svaypu" to the right or left and shoot by clicking on any place on the screen. If the cube is pointed downwards, it flies into the air, if the gun is looking to the side, the cube moves, not rolling. From the obstacles it is protected by armor on the opposite side of the gun. At first, you just have to close it from the pillars of flame or enemy shots and make your way through the destructible part of the environment. 

    Further, numerous switches, buttons that move platforms, energy shields, laser beams and gravitational fields will come into operation. Total in Gunbrick just over three dozen levels, and almost every one of them somehow offers a new interesting problem. Boring places here just do not. Is that some missions are too long, and others - too short. Fortunately, control points in large locations are met regularly, because in the process of solving most puzzles, you will repeatedly blow up a cube. Sometimes the puzzles seem complicated and even want to put the device aside, but sooner or later the solution is - and always logical. 

    Gunbrick is a completely frivolous game. Funny stylistics and cheerful music, obviously overheard in Sonic the Hedgehog, only reinforce the pleasant impression of her. Helpless foot adversaries foolishly rage when they see a mighty "derrick" next to them, and if you crush them, there will be sticky mass on the floor sticking to the cube. Numerous details - shells emanating after shots, breaking at the contact of the lamp, constant energy flashes - create a feeling of gay chaos. It's good that the three big zones turned out very different, so all this recklessness does not bother. At the end of each world awaits a hefty cubic "boss", in the best traditions of the old games, it is necessary to select tactics for him and learn his maneuvers. And after the "trip" is over, there is no point in returning to it - unless you are very fond of achievements.

    Developers from Nitrome are able to handle the "pixels" - Gunbrickthat clear proof. If you need a fun brainwave for the weekend, if you are not tired of the eight- and sixteen-bit aesthetics, finding something better will be difficult. Doubters can always try a free version for the browser - it looks much worse and contains other levels, but the gameplay there is exactly the same. 
    The game has interesting concept,  funny style and clever and diverse puzzles.  But on the other hand the game is short. And there is no point in coming back in my opinion


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