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    xqdele, 29 november 2017 23:32


    After a closed testing phase, Black Desert opened its doors to Brazilians with the same content seen on the Korean server. Or almost. Six classes (of the 14 available in Korean) - Warrior, Hunter, Witch, Berserker, Witch or Mage and Tamer. But it's not just the variety and the realistic graphics that draw attention now.

    It is not very common to play an MMORPG through history, in most cases. The games of this genre, with some exceptions, end up leaving the development of the plot aside, since the focus is on the gameplay and the online fighting. Black Desert is different in this respect. The captive plot and caprice in the details so that you want to find out more about the world and the characters present in it.

    This is a factor that matches perfectly with the mechanics of game development. In Black Desert, learning is the key to any class, profession or to get contacts. The world around you looks great, but is limited by the knowledge of the character. That is, you will only have access to certain items, missions and NPCs when acquiring information about them, reading, talking or exploring.

    The game has become more accessible with the translation, since the understanding directly affects the gameplay and the missions. This adds an extra level of difficulty and the player gets more immersed, as it is necessary to talk to NPCs about various subjects such as economy, cities, other characters and so on. And everything is based on a system in which some subjects are more interesting to certain NPCs than to others. You will need to expend energy to set up dialogues with these objects of interest.

    Enemies enter the list of knowledge. You can not see the life of a creature if you do not know anything about it. You need to kill some to acquire information about its nature and thus be able to see its life bar.

    This mechanics immerses the player into history, encourages them to explore and interact. With that, the progression also becomes more natural and not as fast as it happens in other online RPGs. The difficulty to level up, however, is not great. The game itself offers bonus experience for hours and days connected, which greatly facilitates. Therefore, this system of knowledge, combined with other mechanics, becomes essential to complement the Black Desert experience.

    Knowledge is everything

    However, the mechanics of knowledge is just one part of the whole that makes Black Desert a true RPG. The whimsy in creating an immersive ambiance is noticeable with every step inside the game. This is because everything connects in some way. We're not talking about an RPG with mechanics just for the online mode, but a story and gameplay more geared towards the traditional genre.

    The game begins with the character waking up in an open field, where a black spirit steals his memories. He offers a kind of contract and passes you through the missions with the promise to return your memories to the end of the tasks. The creature is an important part of your journey, offering missions essential for character growth. However, this is just the beginning.

    The amount of things to do is to leave anyone half lost at first sight. But make no mistake. The market, classes and goals are connected, so you end up using all these functions at any given moment in the game.

    And you're not just limited to your class. The character can buy land, become a dealer, an alchemist, refine materials for himself or sell in the market. You can raise animals, grow plants, hire workers and be a bit of everything.

    If you get tired of doing quests to level up, you can try something completely different. Like stepping into a guild, refining materials for armor, developing your culinary skills or simply spending the afternoon fishing at the river's edge.

    A "living" world

    Even if you did not play Black Desert, you've probably heard of the game because of its look. The creator of characters in the game is one of the most complete among the genre and certainly the most realistic. It works like The Sims 4, allowing you to pull, stretch, and drag every inch of your character's face and body. The creator impresses in such a way that it has already been made available separately for download.

    However, the realism of Black Desert is not limited to visual - though it does leave anybody's jaw dropped. The world has more than textures, it seems to be "alive" most of the time. NPCs are stuck drifting; the characters are always on the move, interacting and exercising their professions freely on the map.

    Despite the subtitles, the game is dubbed in English. But that is not why quality of sound work leaves nothing to be desired. Voice performance is well done and has variety, as well as sound effects and music playing in cities, map exchange and also during the fighting.
    Now, combine the mechanics of knowledge, the amount of possibilities for your character, and a world that is independent. What we have? A complete RPG. A game that, with a simple combination, created enough complexity to develop its own economy and functional class system. In addition, missions still offer choices so you can chart your own path.

    Rate this article REVIEW BLACK DESERT

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    Black :|

    30 november 2017 17:05

    beautiful analysis .... the only problem is that I do not have a pc to run black desert and test it all.

    4 december 2017 23:02

    is very nice game i love it but i cant yet to buy

    23 november 2020 17:14

    Need some picture

    7 january 2019 16:48

    always wanted totry it maybe i will

    30 november 2017 19:20