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    Rate this article "Review: Angry Birds Epic"

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    sozqq, 26 february 2018 18:41

    Review: Angry Birds Epic

    Developers of games about evil birds persist in believing that Angry Birds does not happen much. That's why today we will talk about a new game, which was mistakenly attributed to role-playing. Probably, because of the registration of Epic .

    Fans Angry Birds should be lenient towards our skepticism. We are in no way against conditional-free projects, because some of them demonstrate an amazing replayability in conditions of total user refusal to pay real money. We are absolutely calm about the brightness of colors and obsessive music - the main thing is that not to the detriment of the gameplay. But the developers of Angry Birds have recently organized their own vicious scheme for creating games. We need to do everything as colorful as possible, caramel, cheerful and cute and put unsuspecting users on this case. Players begin to learn any of the Angry Birds, with bitterness making sure after a few passed levels, that without the infusion of real money, it will not be all right. But until this very moment you still have time to discover the Epic "role-playing" gameplay. Very conditional and simplistic to disgrace. Yes, Rovio knows his audience very well.

    Birds are now divided into classes. Some can hurt with a sword, others can send threatening clouds with lightning. That is, at least warriors and mages are available. Well, other classes too. There is another sign of a role-playing game - step-by-step battles and a leisurely exploration of the world. The fights are organized as follows - click on the controlled character, "drag" to the hostile mumps, and everything is ready. Birds can not only fight. They have unique special abilities: to organize shields there, or to make a "backlash" from the strikes to be made - there are many options. 

    Exploring the world in Angry Birds Epic arranged schematically. Heroes move on a predetermined trajectory, they chase after gold characters (exactly), collect "loot" and "pump". Locations do not differ much from each other, but it's especially nice that the developers did not forget about the dungeons. 

    Another sign of role-playing game is the possibility of preparing potions and forging weapons. These processes are organized extremely simply and intuitively understandable, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the infusion of real money here is an important ingredient.

    Angry Birds Epic- shareware, conditionally-role casual game from Rovio , which already in the portfolio of developers has accumulated a lot. The initial enthusiasm for the work of the local artists will quickly turn into an unpleasant sensation from the realization that there will never be anything interesting with the birds. 


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    I like this game

    11 april 2020 21:55

    Nice article and nice game

    24 november 2020 10:54

    Nice article and nice game

    12 april 2020 18:26

    Great article

    29 december 2019 13:03

    GG atricle

    29 january 2019 16:30