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    makkrob, 18 august 2017 23:13

    Punk's Reviews: Salt

    Unlike the last game I introduced to you guys Salt is less about strategy and more about going with the flow.

    Salt is a resource gathering and crafting game like Minecraft and that is where the similarities practically end. Unlike Minecraft, this game is much more focused on exploration and has much less repetitive grinding.

    If you want to unwind this is the game for you. The nautical theme mixed with the simple mechanics make this a very easy paced game. The only things that ever breaks this pace are the pirates, which are easy enough to avoid if you don't feel like fighting them (and the food but that's not really a huge issue).

    Navigation in this game is easy if you're somewhat familiar with other seafaring games, and even if you aren't you'll eventually get the hang of it. You essentially move from island to island each being randomly generated, on a ship that you can customize. It is tough to get lost on the islands themselves since they aren't exactly massive, but the ocean is much different. Unless you left a rare item somewhere or you're avoiding it there isn't really a point memorizing where a specific island is located, since you'll eventually be able to turn your ship into your base of operations.

    When it comes to ship building you start out with the ability to make a raft and you have to work your way up from there via crafting, questing, and exploring. The amount of customization isn't endless as all you can do is upgrade and place objects on the deck and not alter the ship design itself, but it is fun enough to make it a large part of the game.

    Whether it's fighting pirates or peacefully sailing the sea this game allows for a lot of fun, it's perfect for when all you want to do is explore and relax.

    You can find it on steam for $15 or on its homepage (https://saltthegame.com/) for the same price

    Rate this article Punk's Reviews: Salt

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    is this any salty?

    24 august 2017 16:08

    If the price goes down a bit i might get it

    24 august 2017 15:34


    24 august 2017 00:24

    amazing article, I enjoyed it a lot, thanks to you!

    31 march 2020 21:12

    nice article thnks

    29 august 2017 03:10

    salty salt going with the flow?!!!

    27 august 2017 04:16

    Sounds good, not bad at all, need to try it

    27 august 2017 22:18

    Really weird name for a game :)

    24 august 2017 15:25

    This is a fairly enjoyable rogue-like game. Really hard until you learn the controls.

    11 september 2017 04:14