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    How it works

    Rate this article "Preview Semblance"

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    m200_dota2, 25 november 2018 11:01

    Preview Semblance

    The story of the game is that the crystalline creature enters the living trees of the living environment of the main character and brings them into crystalline form, making the creatures of those places crystallized. Now the main character must be restored by collecting a number of special items of different parts of the trees and ultimately the trees themselves and finally looking for the crystalline creature.

    The game at first glance is a standard standard platform, but the point that makes the whole gameplay under exposed and Semblance become a unique title is, according to Semblance's makers, the first to be literally Plat " FORMER ". The main idea behind this game is that your character, which is a nearly black and small ball, called Squish, can change many platforms and obstacles in the environment and, by hitting them in a certain direction, will make the shape of these platforms Change. Suppose, for example, that there is a long wall on your right and there is no way to reach it by jumping, but there's a small pendulum on the left of the wall. The main character of the game, knocking on the platform from the bottom, can make the side of the platform much taller, and then on the platform and flip it over to the other side of the wall.

    The idea of the deformation of the environment is the foundation of the game, and along with the usual elements of platform style such as the jump and fast moving (Dash) game riddles are formed. The stages of the game are such that you must enter a tree tree that is corrupt by force. Within them, there are between 2 and 6 balls that, in order to obtain either of them, you have to find the solution to this arc with respect to the obstacles in the environment and ultimately bring it to yourself. After clearing all the trees in an environment, it's possible to go into a new environment that adds other elements to the gameplay.

    It can be said that Semblance is in an acceptable level in terms of stage design.Semblance is a short title in terms of duration and can be easily completed within a time interval of 2-4 hours. Certainly, this is justified by the autonomy and limited budget of the constructive team.

    In the field of artistic graphics, the performance of the game has been good. The gameplay has a particular artistic style that is not nearly as famous as the World of Goo. The main character has a fun and interesting design, and the game environments are well designed. The overall appearance of the environments will not be repeated over a period of 2 to 4 hours, and there is an acceptable variety.

    In the music and sound field, the game has a decent overall performance.

    Semblance is a very good and unique independent title that has used the idea of transforming the environment and the main character well.And the standard gameplay in the platformer style, which is definitely worth it for its unique idea.

    Sometimes games of this style are very enjoyable. I hope you enjoy this simple game.

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