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    Rate this article "League of Angels III (Beginner's Guide)"

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    daymare_griffin, 28 september 2018 03:43

    League of Angels III (Beginner's Guide)

    Winged wonders of lovely ladies await you in this quest!
    The third part of an epic series, and a bit of a silver lining in everyone's pocket?
    A simple trio of quests will grant an ample reward--  
    Should you accept, you'll find a dazzling display, which will prove to be a feast for the senses...

    For the third installment in the League of Angels series, it doesn't have any big surprises for old veterans to the series.
    The art and sound is all quite appealing in this game. For a browser game it is certainly developed well.
    However if you're a newer player, the sheer amount of obstructing panel icons to hide may at first prove to be a bit frustrating. 
    Once past the adjustment visually, you'll be presented with an easy to use and navigate interface.

    This allows you to nearly autopilot the game through the first 40 character levels in the same way that I did. 

    I spent about an hour actually playing the game to complete the tasks.
    I found extra diamonds by side quest rewards.
    Just follow the main quest and skip dialogue to speed through.

    Aside from that, there's nothing really special you have to do to complete the three quests. 
    I have listed below the three quests, along with the screenshots that I used to fulfill my quest. 
    Do not attempt to use these as it may result in a ban for fraudulence. (These quests are a breeze anyways!)
    They are as follow:

    1) Advance to level 30

    • This refers to your main character level naturally, and is found in top left corner.
    • This should only take you about 15 minutes approximately, just keep clicking on the quests. (Other quests unlocked later give better rewards)

    2) Advance to level 40
    • The bigger brother of the first quest. Just keep on clicking!
    • Note that any exp related quests are useful at higher levels.
    • You can break free from the main quests if you feel you can do it faster yourself.

    3) Collect 100 Diamonds
    • These are the blue gems you see at the top, one of the special currencies. (You do not need the other yellowish gems)
    • If you have reached level 40 and have not obtained that many, just check all of the tabs with exclamation marks.  ( )
    • Collect treasure from one of several quests you have completed, and you should have plenty.
    • If you are still struggling, go back through and make sure you have opened every tab and completed all equal level quests.

    And that's pretty much it.
    By the time you finish this quest you'll have a strong character to continue playing through with, if you so choose!
    I may play this for some time yet to see where it goes, what direction it has.
    I hope that playing this will instill you with the same feeling, but if not you still got your easy rewards!
    My overall experience with this game was positive. I have played the other two before so I did know what to expect,
    but still I was pleasantly surprised with what they decided to do for a third game.
    My experience with completing the quests was a nice one, it was a bit refreshing to not have to grind exp so hard my hands get carpal tunnel.

    Rate this article League of Angels III (Beginner's Guide)

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    20 january 2020 13:53

    power full

    3 november 2019 18:49

    Good Game

    8 april 2019 07:30


    29 march 2019 23:30

    not bad 👍

    3 february 2019 15:46

    not bad

    16 march 2019 20:09

    thanks for ur article

    2 april 2019 06:19

    The VIP1 How to get it?

    23 march 2019 04:10

    Nice article, but could you include how to get to VIP level 1?

    19 april 2019 14:01

    game is good😅😅

    1 december 2018 20:51