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    Rate this article "Appeared in "one hand" player CS: GO horizontal spirit"

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    RosieDaVinci, 18 august 2018 14:09

    Appeared in "one hand" player CS: GO horizontal spirit

    For those who are full of limbs, running or playing games is too normal. For professional gamers, who make money from gaming, that is even more obvious. But with the disabled people unfortunately lost parts of their body, everyday life becomes extremely difficult yet let alone entertainment like game. But with Jason, also known by the nickname "OneHandFPS", losing his arm does not stop him becoming a "superhero" in the cyber world. After a motorcycle accident that left the rest of his life unable to move his left arm, Jason thought he would collapse due to the huge shock of his life. But contrary to the common sense, not only do not fear as other ordinary people that Jason also bring strength to return to his passion.

    Eight months ago, in a day like every other day, Jason and his brother drove to the street. But in an unlucky moment he lost his drive, hit the wall, and rolled from 10 meters to the ground below.
    He had to spend 9 days thereafter to start recovering, but when he found out his left arm was not feeling anymore, Jason realized something was wrong.
    The results with Jason are really bad. Some of the surgeries later he recovered a small fraction of the left hand, but his arm was essentially paralyzed. For an average person and a PC gamer from a young age, paralysis of an arm is hardly acceptable to Jason. You wonder how you can play the game? How can I play with my friends and brothers?
    But OneHandFPS does not spend time blaming himself, he immediately finds a way to enjoy passion. The first attempt was with Diablo III, Jason discovered the game like this with just one hand is enough. And that's exactly what the Blizzard's ARPG meant to help Jason get through the recovery phase. However, as an FPS player from the depths of his heart, Jason knew he had to return to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. After a series of successful attempts at Overwatch's beta phase, he decided to try Counter-Strike.
    It was also at this time that Jason began utilizing the power of the Razer Naga - the mouse designed for MMO games with 12 buttons on the side. As such, Jason's skill began to return to him. In fact, Jason's ability to see the shot was very good, he only had trouble moving. With the use of his thumb, it is difficult for him to be as effective as normal people, while at times he mistakenly presses the switch while firing. However, despite the difficulties, one-handed assassin still rises to Gold Nova III in CS: GO.

    He used a lot of useful information


     In CSGO, we have to shoot more standard CS than before because the hitbox is set to small Valve.
    What is the crook? Please bear in mind, it is the frame suffered damage of the character we control. Hitbox in CSGO is narrow, so our range is small. (I'll add some pics of the hitbox later).
     In addition, CSGO recoil is very difficult
    - So how to improve the situation?
    Answer: Move and aim aim gun

    One thing is obvious to the standard shot: "Sitting over standing, standing over running, running over dancing".
    The rule of thumb is simple.
    If you run around the map, unless your ability to hold guns and spirits is high, then you go to the church early.
    In short, when you shoot, almost you have to stand still, the new bullets fly according to the fly. You see the brothers play well feel like they just ran, not really really.
    Have a look at the demos of some of the world's greats, they are always holding the Shift button. By default, Shift is walking. They are running, guessing the area where the enemy is, they press the Shift key, walk slowly, see the enemy is almost released the move button, still holding the Shift button and shot. Just that their fingers control the keyboard more than the novice, more precision nano and more time should see them as just run and shoot. Basic is still, IMPERIAL, SOLD OUT!

    If you often pioneer the enemy, you can also choose to press the CTRL key instead of Shift. That is sitting shot. This way recoil protectors, who say no. Personally, I see the accuracy increase, the fly is weak, psychological play more peace of mind. It is when you sit deflected focus of the enemy. (kissing to bj do nothing deviation ...)
    Usually I was just sitting in the dryer. Very effective for SMGs (sub machine guns like bison, mp7 ...) or ak, m4a4, famas, galil. Shotgun with cz-75 auto you can shoot anything, mainly enough to calmly look at the head of the enemy is winning.
    However if you are running that sitting immediately the accuracy decreases. In life is running that is sitting m * face to the ground, said to squeeze the trigger
    Sit a little, watch time and shoot.

    If you see some enemy running and firing a few bullets that have not hit yet, I often try to get some calm, straightening the flies for the head and shoot him. Hanoi is not in a hurry. The more you lose your temper and move, the more you will die. Eat in the calm.

    But anything has two sides of it.

    Obviously, the less the enemy after detection, the less likely it is to hit. If your shooting skills are not good then you know what's going to happen.

    So how do you do when you shoot some sluggish head, are you in the middle of the street? Sit? Continue running and discharging the tape? Or stood still surrender?

    A) Jump:
    There is a good way to dodge bullets called jumps. Swing round. Say you delete the game and then do not take the clip for you. But you follow me here: Hold the mouse, turn the ring up (or down), so that the first position of the mouse is the center of the circle. The other guy will see you swirl round, very difficult to shoot compared to normal. I usually jump from the middle to the tunnel in de_dust2. If the enemy is too hard to stand, while the naked nova-ak usually dodge or lose a little blood. If you like bunny hop in 1.6 and CSS then it will be very meaningful cat.

    B) To shake left hip and hip rock:
    Simply hold shift, press twice to left, three times to right, left several times, several times to complete reversal =)). How to make simple, gradually become familiar with it.
    This way to understand is to tease the enemy awp shoots calm, slipped a few times and then jumped to the knife (it knife). You can use the swing combination above.

    3) Jump:
    - Actually still use in CSGO. Just a standard time watch.
    I use this way when using AWP. Specifically:
    Jump left or right, turn the focus, hold shift until the center of focus is shaking and shoot! Normally, the enemy is surprisingly difficult to shoot. (see who found his first and then it's point of failure is not calculated =))).
    P / s: This way is easy to cause nausea for teammates are spec. =)) I was cursed under n times. But the shelves, YOLO style shelf me!
    - Jump and fade, some turtles are still playing!

    4) hide (camper camper: v)
    - Need to calm, often he is big hand that camp is very often chatter =). Just know important terrain, hard to spot, shoot well, play stealth games such as Splinter Cell, Metal Gear or Thief.

    Camp bomb is an art.
    At 1vs1, trembling hands. Then if you have headphones, it is best to camp, guess the enemy moves. He looked right at his left, and he left right. Mucus, scare shot, time sentence. The way to do it is simple, but see more demo and practice several times to get the best results.

    1) Aim:
    White out to shoot some games are very uneducated. Your main task is to make the enemy lose 100 blood. But just meet the enemy you have on the top of the cabinet, there is a way to improve it?
    There are some things to keep in mind:
    - Headshot: is a very popular word in the shooter. This time with the brothers have a history of playing FPS over 2-3 years do not say, but with the newbie is very important.

    Suddenly remembering my first FPS game was Quake2. This game is a little uneducated, head with the same ass, no concept HS.
    I just know CS, I follow the quake style, shoot the enemy line, they do not die while I was on the top of the cabinet. Turns out they shot in the head, with 1-2 bullets in the head is enough to kill a network.
    Playing foolish CS games for 3 years, to 9th grade, I know a simple one: I must always set the mind of the enemy in every case. Just estimate, instead of always pointing your gun down to the ground, now you lift it up to the opponent's head. You do not need to move the mouse, just click and BOOM, Scream

    Tap skill:

    individually shot. Tucked, cut, and tucked. One shot, very accurate, missiles. The higher the level, the more you will see that the players fight together by 1-2 bullets only to fall out of position always. With this skill, you can easily master both AWP and pistol.
    Spray skill: drying bullets. Sounds very frightening, bullets flying, lurking enemy spirit good. Each shot was not standard. It is very important when you play with cauliflower. You like to play guns, you add that, shot on the wall of the state where the bullets where it was, next time the enemy is drying up the line, the target is the enemy. The first time should practice with BOT to familiar, after finding people to practice.

    Good players know both tap and spray. So what makes the difference if every father is good at these two skills?

    The answer here is pre-fire and psychological.

    Prefire: The shot fired, the enemy fired his shotgun and onto the top of the cabinet. That is prefire. To do so, you need to be very good at guessing where the enemy is going to go. First of all map, know the enemy or hiding, or move up and down the position of bullet holes. For example, I often stand at the bombsite A map de_dust2, get famas 2-3 slice one on the short corner. Long time ago, he broke the first report hack.
    Map: CSGO map is quite small (compared to COD, Battlefield ...). The vicious circle around the enemy just moved a few places. Try to stay and anticipate!
    - Mini map: Maybe almost half the time in a game is to see the map miniature. Nothing is difficult, look more familiar. Mainly notice where the enemy less enemy, distinguish decoy ... If you are a team leader, mini map support you great.

    Are you a confident person in life? If so, congratulations, you rank very fast.
    You have also met the case, know the other team has a very strong team. I'm afraid, is shooting him into the area of his hold, I worry, trembling hand, then it is not easy to boil his own, sometimes he also chym should also
    After all, it's just a computer controller, it's only 100hp. It's you than what? I do not you not skill, aloxo 1 to 1 is win. But if you just look at him as a standard bot and you are calmer, then you have a lot of chances to win.
    The CS shoots well fall often in the age of 18 onwards, often this age of impulsive blood drops pretty much, think ahead look back over. If you train mentally steady not only CSGO but anything more successful than the shy brother.
    Personally I am not bold, so I practice with BOT first, then push up the public play, and then match the low level, gradually up. Each level has basic lessons, you keep slowly progressing. As long as you work hard and persevere, the girl is called a perforation.

    2. Listen and use the mic.
    Distinguish the enemy is in the corner, know how to use some radio cover me, follow me, thx you. That's enough. Mic, do not spam too, report the location of the enemy, where I die a few guys. If you die, do not have a curse, very uncomfortable dead father finished presentation by the mouse, by the keys, by the neighbor dog ...

    3. Match file 5vs5.
    Very simple. Group VNCSGO, earn 4 Mr. Vietnam you see the confidence, temperament along the direction. Important players who play with you, sympathy, brothers experience after the game. If you meet some impulsive comrades, the win is not okay, the game loses um swarm, like to make general?
    Simply, you do not invite people to play together, that's it. If not, then break up.
    Playing slowly, you understand the tactics, understand each other's tactics, skills each person also up over time, every day you drop the support team and vice versa. What do you rank fast?
    It is important that you play a lot and should lose a lot. Lessons learned from major losses.
    Tactic each map I am thanks to a number of First Class and Global Elite proud to write, you keep calm waiting for it!

    4. View the demo.
    Rarely do you play great CS without demo ever. I play the majority of the corn because of less demo. Recently, there are a few guns, I can see the demo, see the benefits are quite large.
    That is to see where he hide, how to shoot, how to trick the enemy, how to throw smoke cover the run.
    You see, then give ae to see, share information. Also important!

    What is Fv / Float?
    What is Float? I do not know how. Understand the scratch, the more the number of guns / knives scrape as much, the lower the guns are beautiful and more expensive. In some cases, the Doppler shape of ruby / sapphire or black pearl is different.
    Fv? Float Value: Float Value / Float Value. Factory should be less than 0.03 beautiful.

    This is roughly like this. The smaller the better.

    0.44 - 1.00 - Battle-Scarred (BS)
    0.37 - 0.44 - Well-Worn (WW)
    0.15 - 0.37 - Field Tested (FT)
    0.07 - 0.15 - Minimal Wear (MW)
    0.00 - 0.07 - Factory New (FN)

    - The word "look" is in the Fieldtested category that looks less scratchy Minimal Wear or sometimes too close to the WellWorn.
    - There are some special guns, the BS, WW, FT or FN are almost identical, no scratches, only the difference in tone seems darker under FT, WW (much use). For example AWP WOrm, M4a1 Golden Coil or Ak Laminate Laminate ...

    How to view floats?
    Have 2 way.
    Option 1:
    Go to https://csgo.exchange
    The Calculator -> Inventory -> copy your steam link will list the CSGO map, hover over each item detail Float value.
    Method 2:
    Download Chrome web browser for your computer.
    Down extension Steam helper, restart. On your Steam link through Chrome, Inventory will display fv.
    Exterior: The new age of the gun.

    I will take the model illustrated AK Vulcan. Photos to vcl 1.4MB, you calm down but still offline

    Rate this article Appeared in "one hand" player CS: GO horizontal spirit

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    i love csgo its a bets game for my life .Thanks Gaben and not thanks for 0,03 skins and chest gaben

    1 october 2018 16:35