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    Rate this article "A Beginners Guide to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"

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    xrealgauravxx, 11 october 2017 19:12

    A Beginners Guide to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    So you are new to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and ready to go into the battle, Here's a guide that you may find helpful.

    Introduction to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    Counter-Strike Global Offensive is more of an update than a sequel of counter strike. But it maintains much of what made the original Counter-Strike and counter-strike source so fantastic. As such the gameplay and near-perfect balancing make it absolutely enthralling and it's one of the Greatest in the multiplayer FPS genre.

    In case you're one of the unlucky few to have never experienced the series, counter-strike go
    is an entirely multiplayer experience. You can also play offline against AI bots but it's online where the thrills are.
    In the traditional game mode. There are two types of matches and two levels of competition.
     1.Ranks level is the original old-school style of Counter-Strike with a skill-based ranking system used to balance teams and     match players of equivalent skill 
     2.Casual level is for newer players and removes aspects like friendly fire and the need to purchase armed over between rounds
    Both of these levels feature several Maps, some new and some old. Each map is tied to a game tight.
    In serious matches communication and planning are key as players who die cannot respond until after a round is over. Games are fast paced without being impossible players generally die at least a few times which gives them time to review their own mistakes and plan for the next round during the downtime 

    In a diffusal game, one team must plant a bomb at a critical site and defend it until it explodes. The other team must try to either prevent them from planting the bomb or defuse it before it goes off.
    The other game type, hostage rescue turns the tables here one team has taken a group of AI hostages which they must protect until time runs out. The other team must assault their location and free the hostages.
    If you prefer no downtime then new game modes should suit your fancy called arms race and demolition they both remove the classic purchasing mechanic and instead award players a new weapon instantaneously when they make a kill. Weapon awards
    generally, go up in deadliness from an initial lousy weapon, reach and Acme then begin to go down and usefulness usually forcing the player at last to use nothing but a knife.
    Arms race also removes the downtime of waiting after you die and plays a lot more like a traditional deathmatch game Demolition sort of reverses this structure, instead of challenging players to continue playing a more traditional counter-strike style game but with their weapons getting worse and worse with each kill.
    Both of these new modes are tremendous fun even though they are departures from the core formula.

    The key element to these game modes is that there are multiple short rounds in a match. After each round players purchase weapons, armor, grenades and other equipment using the money they earn for killing enemies, winning the round or doing other important tasks.
    winning teams will tend to have better equipment while losing teams tend to be worse off. The disadvantage is never insurmountable but it does give teams incentive to work together

    I prefer to play Counter-Strike Global Offensive with a keyboard mouse. On PlayStation, playing with a controller is very difficult because Counter-Strike global Offensive lacks the auto-aim assists to which most of console FPS players are used to.
    Besides this, many PlayStation players play with the USB keyboard and mouse which are both supported. Regardless of your platform, you'll appreciate some of the bells and whistles appropriated from other valve games like Team Fortress 2. For instance, you now have nemesis players who can dominate you by killing you consecutively presuming you use a mouse and keyboard as you should, the controls are sharp and easily customizable. There are no vehicles special weapons or power-ups you get your gear learn the maps rely on your skills

    Counter-strike go adds a lot of new guns of various types and even the new incendiary grenade which can light a small area on fire for a short time.

    Bottom line Counter-Strike global Offensive adds plenty tweaks a little and keeps the best parts of what is one of the best multiplayer shooters ever created. If you're into shooters, team-based gameplay or just old school games done right, few games are better than this one.

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