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    Comments, reviews and ratings of the game SAO's Legend

    I've had mine refused five times now. Can't get anyone to help me. I've emailed support, messaged them on Discord, and messaged Misty here on the site. No one will answer.

    19 august 2017 18:12

    How can I play this game for so long time, but to just 25 stones. I can't do this!

    26 august 2017 05:26

    Submited it just a few minutes ago and it got refused...Have level 66 character this site is a scam.

    28 august 2017 18:16

    this is extremly easy it only takes about 10-15 minutes the game does basically all the work for you!

    4 september 2017 06:19

    Less than 1 hour, you completed the task

    5 september 2017 14:32

    So i got to level 35 i posted my screenshot, full screen like it says, you can see my level you can see my username. So far every other game ive done have reposnded quick, this took nearly 48hours just to reject me. Im still playing the game now and am now nearly level 60 and i have a feeling ifi try submitting its going to reject me again because im so far past the goal level

    9 september 2017 23:18

    Refused... Second game... First was Hunter X Online.... I've done everything, but always beeing refused.

    11 september 2017 14:14

    Because (it is possible ?!) to get a screenshot from any player - from different levels (where he is currently playing).
    (I hope you understand me ...).

    15 september 2017 16:29

    still wating for the verification. My friend did it after me and get the gems a few mins later and I still havn't gotten mine :(

    18 september 2017 11:19

    I got the gems in the first attempt, five minutes after I sent the screenshot

    19 september 2017 00:36

    I got the other 3 tasks in 5-10 minutes but this is getting Hours.

    19 september 2017 22:42

    I want ro get the rewards one more time or even more

    22 september 2017 19:14

    I sent the screenshot showing I was 35 lvl and it was refused. Why?

    24 september 2017 09:55

    Keep clicking next every now and then while you're doing something that's actually fun or matters. Easy Soul gems.

    6 october 2017 10:54

    I cant beleive that you cant get sg from it

    29 september 2019 13:25

    At last I'll be able.to play this game.

    30 september 2019 03:23

    I unfortunately cant play this game in my country.

    2 october 2019 08:25

    this game is easy but very fun. try it 7/10

    5 january 2020 13:00

    its a great game with good mmo mechanics

    11 january 2020 19:03

    people dont often relizes this is a chash grab but what ever

    11 january 2020 19:04

    people dont often relizes this is a chash grab butwho can change my mind

    11 january 2020 19:04

    saturday night come in alone with the hit the pinatahit the pinata why you gonna do baby

    16 january 2020 09:09

    i love watching anime.Im watching anime is hmm.

    18 january 2020 12:18

    its very nice to me a game i play it long

    25 january 2020 18:20

    I love this game.I'm watching this anime

    26 january 2020 11:55

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