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    Comments, reviews and ratings of the game TikTok

    i love tiktok its so funny. my favorite application

    9 november 2022 22:55

    just bad, can't be redeemed, that's it, nothing more.

    19 december 2022 15:18

    I think that tii tok is bad for us, we're wasting a lot of time there.

    27 december 2022 16:18

    tiktok is good and cool and i like it. i recomment it

    28 december 2022 14:20

    I think tik tok is okay but youtube is better but that is my opinion

    2 january 2023 00:03

    I use tiktok all the time besides youtube.

    4 january 2023 15:51

    Tik Tok is not useful at all, and I always go to it and see people dancing WHAT??!!!

    16 january 2023 19:30

    the first time i heard about tiktok I thought i would never use it since i was ig user but when i give it a chance again i started using basically everyday and its contains alot of things from edits to football stuff and many other things the application its self is excellent and usefull and it became way to usefull nowdays

    10 february 2023 21:36

    tiktok so cringe because its too users too teen and ...

    14 february 2023 16:30

    tiktok is so draining but fun and sometimes useful

    19 february 2023 11:04

    its a good application if you use true..but sometimes i see very stupid people

    3 march 2023 19:13

    dude this game has to be the worst of the decade

    4 march 2023 02:15

    I like TikTok, there are funny and dynamic videos, it works well and fast for exploring many channels. After following some of them you can get a handful to explore frequently. It has a similar vibe to Instagram, but it's a bit less personal and so I'd say you can focus more on content for third parties

    10 march 2023 21:49

    tiktok is the best which a lot of witty video in beneficial

    19 march 2023 06:34

    tik tok is sp psyco and great its very good to see fun video

    19 march 2023 14:28

    tiktok is good and funny but reddit is more funnie

    26 march 2023 16:04

    It's entertaining, but many people send 4-5 r more hours on their phone just because tiktok

    1 april 2023 10:57

    TikTok is people time hunter

    9 april 2023 11:24

    most of them are braindead but not all of them

    11 april 2023 05:02

    I think it was revolutionary and that is why people hated at first. But now it is just a regular social media app, since every social media company copied tikok

    16 april 2023 18:04

    I do like tik tok because It is pays good and itsa active just by doing fun stuff.

    19 april 2023 18:22

    tiktok is not for people who have brain

    25 april 2023 15:40

    tiktok is awesome alot of witty videos and informative content too

    6 june 2023 02:11

    I don't have to eat the whole egg to know it's rotten...

    15 august 2023 06:15

    Tiktok is very good paltform if you not have too much time to see any movie or series!

    15 august 2023 13:24

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