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    Top 5 Games that USED to be Popular

    Now, don't go hatin' on me just because you disagree, or you still play these games. So if you get offended easily, just exit out of this if you want. If you do like it, give it 5 stars! These are just my opinions on the top 10 dead games of all time.

    #1: Minecraft

    Now, I know what you are thinking: "Why is it on this list? Don't people still play it?" Well, people still DO play it, it's just very unpopular nowadays (compared to 2014 or 2015). Now, don't get me wrong, I still love Minecraft. I'm just saying, games like Fortnite are taking over. 


    #2: Classic Mario

    This might come as a surprise to many of you. But CLASSICAL Mario was one of the most popular games EVER. Now, I'm talking about Classical Mario (not the Mario game that you play on your Nintendo Switch). Nowadays, If people had a choice between Mario, Fortnite, and Roblox, I guarantee you that the majority of people would pick Roblox or Fortnite (unless they are diehard Mario fans or something...)

    #3: Tetris

    If you ever played this game, whether on your iPhone, iPad, or console, you would know how fun it is. This game is the most popular video game EVER. It has attracted more than 400 MILLION worldwide. Wow. Anyways, you don't really see people playing it too much nowadays. Kinda sad, how almost no one plays it anymore.


    #4: Pokémon Go

    I just HAD to put it on this list. It comes out, it's the most downloaded game for 2017 summer, everyone loves it, then it dies. BOOM. Just like that. I don't really understand how it goes from being a popular app to a dead app, in barely a month. (Kinda like the fidget spinner craze.) People still play it a lot, although it isn't nearly as popular as it once was. 


    #5: Clash of Clans

    For our last one, we have Clash of Clans. Similar to Pokémon Go, this was HUGELY popular when it came out, but people lost interest quickly. Now, if you don't know what Clash of Clans is, you have probably been living under a rock. Their topic youtube channel has more than 10 mil subs! It is HIGHLY addicting, but the only agonizing thing is that you have to wait so long for your upgrades! I mean, come on! Some upgrades take as long as 14 days! Again, people still play it, just not nearly as much.

    Honorable Mention: Pac-Man

    Okay, so if you didn't know what Tetris was, you at least HAVE to know what Pac-Man is, right? If you don't, that's sad. About a few decades ago, Pac-Man was one of the most popular games in the WORLD. Nowadays, people only play the google version of Pac-Man, when they have a couple minutes to spare. 
    Hope you enjoyed! This is Leadingsnow signing out. Peace! (BTW, this is my first article, so please be a little lenient :) )

    5 may 2019 17:34 1625


    24 july 2019 19:15 1625

    Minecraft is good, but other games too :)

    26 july 2019 22:12 1625


    26 july 2019 23:33 1625


    27 july 2019 06:38 1625

    i like minecraft

    27 july 2019 06:48 1625

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