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    Article help

    How can we make a new article is good and the nearest prospect moderator will accept it and how much we can earn sg from it .can we get 1k sg really

    22 april 2019 15:34 1628

    You can check the first post from this thread: https://gamehag.com/forum/t/53130-how-to-get-your-article-accepted-from-a-moderators-point-of-view
    Getting 1000 SG is claimed to be possible, but your article has to be perfect and well received by users and mods. From what I've read in other threads, they mostly get around 300-500 or 100 if it's bad.

    22 april 2019 18:29 1628

    it will get you 400~600 SG for each and you will earn more with ansus rune.

    22 april 2019 19:04 1628

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