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    I need help with a contract

    Okay so the mistplay contract instructions are very unclear i think i just need to launch the game but i didnt get sg when i did that i really need help

    7 april 2019 03:32 1628

    I'll get straight to the point
    Contracts and tasks they're not something to fully trust or have hope in
    Not even the support team can help you deal with them
    Saying something along the line of : if you have a problem with a task ask the offer wall provider (if you can in the first place) yourself, if they then contact us about you we shall give you what technically are your rights to begin with.
    So am not trying to make you leave this site because in a way gamehag is better than many others in this business but the world is not perfect so go on about it how you will

    7 april 2019 21:29 1628

    thx i guess

    7 april 2019 21:31 1628

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