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    Need your help

    Help please, how to make a screenshot? I make a screenshot where the fights are shown, everything is done correctly 5 wins. And the task is not accepted, what am I doing wrong?

    16 march 2019 12:25 11

    make sure the screenshot includes your username and it is the same as the one you gave gamehag otherwise there is no way of verifying that you actually did it.

    16 march 2019 12:31 11

    Hi! I have the same problem, I won 5 battles and i send a screenshot with my nickname. And the task is not accepted

    17 march 2019 09:01 11

    I don't really know what's the problem but my first war thunder task got rejected 3 times until i contacted support and then it got accepted, contact support if your task gets rejected for more than 3 times

    1 april 2019 19:34 11

    For take a screenshot press button F12 or LSHIFT+PrtScr
    Screenshots saves on User/Local/WarThunder/Screenshots
    or where you are downloanding the game in /Screenshots/

    5 may 2019 09:51 11

    u can download some apps to take screenshots for example NVIDIA, u can record videos and stuff and take screenshots, i hoped i helped.

    13 may 2019 13:41 11

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