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    Is Prime still full of cheaters?

    When the free version came out I played (with Prime) and one of my haxxer teammates said to me that there are 3 other hackers in the match. Is it still like this?

    9 march 2019 17:05 808

    I think, its way better what it was before the free version. The cheaters are playing in non prime, and the VACnet is verry effective. There are some cheaters left in prime, but the game is more playable.

    9 march 2019 17:45 808

    Vacnet is getting a little better and I haven't seen a cheater in prime for a while now

    12 march 2019 21:13 808

    I think it is not too bad as it looks like

    13 march 2019 15:21 808

    Of course yes, The game will always have cheaters

    16 march 2019 12:54 808

    I think the ammount of cheaters has been reduced with the game being free to play

    16 march 2019 21:05 808

    Probably you can see some. But cheaters are less

    16 march 2019 22:01 808

    yes i can see that everyday

    18 march 2019 16:44 808

    they is but i dont know

    19 march 2019 00:06 808

    Bettter, then without it)

    19 march 2019 09:21 808

    Better than not prime

    19 march 2019 15:20 808

    well not really because prime is paid soo even if there are cheaters they wont cheat if they cheat they will get banned and lose the money they spent on prime soo it is very rare in prime ..
    there are some rich cheaters tho lol

    19 march 2019 15:37 808

    You won't have many cheaters with prime actually very few but you can still get smurfs griefers and stuff like that

    19 march 2019 22:09 808

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