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    How it works

    Does it work?

    Hi,i am new to this site and i wanted to ask if this site works.Because it looks like its pretty easy,to get a lot of points and i am scared about it.Is it a scam of some sort or it actually crazily works?

    25 january 2019 19:43 1628

    All prizes and awards give. You can not worry and take an active part in the life of the site

    25 january 2019 21:06 1628

    I believe it works. I'm also new but have so far recieved 5 steam games through opening chests. The only way you can become 100% sure is if you cash in for a reward. If it is a scam then the only thing you lose is some of your time. Just stay away from the tasks that asks for your credit card info and you should be safe.

    25 january 2019 21:13 1628

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