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    Automated system for spam articles

    Spammy articles are growing rapidly. Today while I was evaluating articles, I haven't been able to find a single article that I can actually accept. This is ridiculous. After 15-20 clicks, I realized that I've lost all the quota that I had for today. So basically it means I lost my chance to get 50 SGs. It's really frustrating to sit in front of a PC and rate spammy articles everyday for nothing. This is so annoying. There should be a automated system for rejecting articles that are spams. They should do something about it.

    6 january 2019 07:04 1628

    you should give your suggestions directly to gamehag mod on this thread https://gamehag.com/forum/t/58908-give-your-suggestions-here

    6 january 2019 22:20 1628

    Relax, dude, we've all been there.

    6 january 2019 23:32 1628

    The system needs to be improved. Out of 10 articles I need to review, 9 of them are spam. Sigh...

    7 january 2019 09:30 1628

    They have to do something qabout it

    7 january 2019 11:00 1628

    wait, is there a limit to the number of articles you mark as spam? I thought they do not count.

    7 january 2019 19:06 1628

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