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    Fortnite is getting worse?

    Before I start to write things like "Fortnite is trash" or something like that I want to say that I stopped to play the game from season 4 . when they added the supermarket carts , so the things I say can not be true! So Fortnite in the past two season is getting worse and you will ask me "Why Fortnite is getting worse , Its still the most playable game in the world!" and I will answer you "That the kids (im sorry for this word that i said about Fortnite community but yeah , its how is it) that still play the game does NOT count!" , but I dont say the other games dont have kid community , but as a old Fortnite player (I have played the game before the seasons even exist) I can say the game changed a lot. The game changed a lot as the community changed a lot , but for me the game now is worse than before.Thousands of unfixed gliches , these new balloons (I mean what are these balloons doing in a battle royale game , Epic?) and this glich with the pumps that do near 8 damage is really anoying and make me do not enjoy the game.The things like that big cube , that appears in season 6 I guess and the new bad skins mean that Epic Games have no idea for updates and makes new cars and bad skins , even the halloween update was bad. Thats my opinion about Fortnite , what about you?

    4 november 2018 10:19 2830

    Please do not hate me for my oponion!Thanks!

    4 november 2018 10:19 2830

    Fortnite is pay to get better lot so if you dont pay you get worst lot (Fortnite is bad)

    4 november 2018 16:58 2830

    fortnite is pay to win

    11 november 2018 13:23 2830

    They probably are just throwing more stuff in every update and trying to see what sticks. More new stuff means more players logging in and hopefully some of them will spend money on microtransactions

    11 november 2018 15:04 2830

    Fortnite is not getting worse, the problem is with skins. You have to spend a lot of money if you want to buy any skins from the game, this is not good considering how expensive they are a skin easily costs 10$ just to acquire it. If you get banned, you won't get any items refunded.

    12 november 2018 04:08 2830

    Yes Fortnite getting worst!

    18 november 2018 15:14 2830

    Yes, it is

    19 november 2018 08:46 2830

    dead game fortnite

    20 november 2018 18:46 2830

    yes it realy do

    21 november 2018 19:17 2830

    Fortnite isn't pay to win, you can only buy cosmetics

    22 november 2018 12:57 2830

    Fortnite is good game but isnt pay to win just 1more victory ni your acc :D

    22 november 2018 14:17 2830

    Fortnite is more boring now, not is gettin worst

    22 november 2018 14:54 2830

    Nah, only learn how to build and troll, then it is more fun :D

    22 november 2018 19:59 2830

    If you are play on recommend performance, it would be ok.

    22 november 2018 20:46 2830

    i love it this game is awesome

    22 november 2018 22:47 2830

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