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    Steam Wallet not delivered

    It says that the items shipping time is 24 hours but it's way past 24 hours since I purchased the damn wallet and it's still didn't arrive and I contact the support and that twerp told me " Terms the delivery may take up to 30 days" WTF then change your shipping time to forver damn it dont sell stuff your out of stock why the hell are you selling it if you dont have it anyway and how hard can it be to sent a code? Unlike gainkit that they deliver wallet in a blink of an eye tsk.. -_-

    26 october 2018 09:21 1628

    ^ lol

    26 october 2018 10:37 1628

    Sometime it can take a bit longer ;/

    26 october 2018 14:47 1628

    Just wait for like some time ,the card should come

    26 october 2018 16:22 1628

    Stop acting like a 3 year old kid that it screaming because it didn't get the candy... People that work at gamehag need to order your steam wallet first, wait for Steam to send it to them, and then they need to forward it to you. It takes time!!
    Also they are paying for it from their own pocket so chill down...

    26 october 2018 18:29 1628

    @mb.rider of course they will pay for their own pocket who do you think will? why do you think they create this site for? I thought you would be smarter than this mr. liscensed programmer... what a kid I am... says the guy whose crying about his article candy not being accepted.. so please stop calling people like that mr.adult it's making you less like one lol.

    26 october 2018 19:02 1628

    1. read your comment and tell me how it sounds, not the one you wrote to me, one that you wrote when you opened a new tread
    2. we all understand that the Gamehas support sucks, but still show some respect to others!
    3. there is something called figuratively speaking. If i have offended you in any way i apologize, that was not my intention!
    4. there is a screenshot of you crying about articles too so shush, we are all swimming in same pool ;) :)

    FYI - i have contant the support to speed up the process of your steam wallet, no need to thank me


    26 october 2018 19:57 1628

    so you wanna cover up youre insult by that figurative speaking and not my intention ok. people who show respect should show first respect and dude are you 15 below was that too offensive? if you compare it too real savage comment my comment would look like a kids insult I mean come on you think that is soo mean of me that you have to react like "stop crying kid?" as you said support sucks thats why im creating this thread genius. and thanks bruh but seriously do you have to mention youre act of kindness so you would feel like you a very good person? **** youve got issues

    27 october 2018 00:26 1628

    The delay is always there. I've just learnt to accept it :/

    27 october 2018 08:03 1628

    wait wait wait :(

    28 october 2018 13:23 1628

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