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    Roblox Sharuses Sandhurst Military Academy (Royal Military Police

    So in armies, regiments and etc. You all think that they should be fighting in the battlefield, borders and other stuffs. But there is actually a regiment in the royal military that does not do those, and it is called Royal Military Police or RMP for short. The duties of this regiment is to keep the Sandhurst military academy and its other regiments disciplined in the academy. The location of this academy IRL is near london and its also 34 miles away from london. The RMP in roblox tho is a bit better and fun too so better check it out!

    6 september 2021 07:48 2173

    Add me, if you want to be friends with me. I am really bored and only friends with Misty. No offense, but she never speaks to me, only when I have to speak to her, because she's a bot and not a real human, like us. Reconsider to be my friend. I'll add whoever it is. ☺😁

    6 september 2021 07:55 2173

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