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    How do I get better

    I'd like to get better again in this game, but now I am still on silver 1 and not getting amy better

    8 october 2018 22:00 808

    Try practcing with Cpu players (Bots) and make their difficulty higher. After you have practiced with them try to play with other players.

    27 july 2021 08:12 808

    You should start by looking at detailed YouTube videos that show the various parts you can work on. Some of which include (but not limited to):
    - Map Knowledge
    - Aim
    - Game Sense

    These things can be improved on if you keep playing the game, and do small practice sessions before hopping into competitive matches. Common advice would be to play FFA deathmatch, where its everyone versus everyone.

    Here's a blog post by DMarket that can help you get started:

    27 july 2021 10:09 808

    If you want to improve your aim, you can use Aim Lab on steam, it's pretty good.

    31 july 2021 08:37 808

    You can download maps from the workshop that randomly spawn npcs that are 1-shottable so u can try and hit them to improve your aim.

    31 july 2021 10:49 808

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