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    Question on Game Tasks (New to the site)

    Hello. I apologize if this is somewhere else but can't seem to find it. My question pertains to playing a game that has 3 tasks which are based on achieving a certain level. Can I continue to play the game even if the first task is pending to achieve the level needed for upcoming tasks? Or do I have to stop and wait to be credited to continue playing the game? Any help would be appreciated.

    29 september 2018 16:24 1628

    You can still play the game but not knowing the next task you might skip over a certain quest/level that you need to screenshot for the task. It depents of the game or if you know the tasks beforehand. Good luck!

    29 september 2018 21:59 1628

    Thank you.

    29 september 2018 22:34 1628

    i just completed a task i think its easyy so yeahhhh

    30 september 2018 09:49 1628

    just try to do a lot of game quests and boom 1000 soulgems and thats a lot of soulgems

    30 september 2018 09:49 1628

    and try to open the Steam Daily Chest there is a chance of getting 1000 soulgems in there

    30 september 2018 09:50 1628

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