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    How it works

    is there a tutorial?

    hi I’ve been sent to this by cashjunky to complete the tutorial and earn 50 gems. unfortunately I cannot find a tutorial?

    7 february 2021 21:05 1628

    if not, will it still work if I just collect 50 gems?

    7 february 2021 21:06 1628

    Hello if you are really a new user i will gladly help you. First you need to click on "How it works" next to "Collect the rewards" tab and then you can select "Tutorial" and you are good to go. Misty will show you around and you can earn some soul gems for completing those missions.
    Have fun

    7 february 2021 22:46 1628

    I believe theres a tutorial tab on the top part of your screen.

    16 february 2021 13:07 1628

    Also, there are multiple tutorials and the more you go through the tutorials covering different things about gamehag you get soul gems. Hope this helps!

    16 february 2021 15:40 1628

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