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    Games section link removed from GameHag header?

    Just notice that in the header that the COLLECT SG menu item has been turned from a dropdown list to a normal link to the Dashboard. The Games section is still accessible from the URL https://gamehag.com/games tho. Is this a bug on my end or did GameHag really hide it from users?

    12 january 2021 17:47 1628

    @line_madsen I went to Discord but can't find your name in the moderator list, so I'll just post what I know here:
    I tried running Chrome with "--disable-extensions" cmd option to see if it was caused by my extensions, but the problem persists. Both my work machine and my home one have this problem, so probably is a GameHag issue.
    Confirm Firefox works fine. Haven't tried Edge because it's currently SNAP by sysfer.dll; apparently it's a common problem but I couldn't fix it yet.

    Info for people with programming knowledge:
    The tag for the "COLLECT SG" menu item has no content on Chrome, while the same tag has 4 child tags as expected on Firefox. I'm not sure why.

    13 january 2021 11:54 1628

    Well since I've already written everything I can think of, do you need anything more to forward to the admins?

    14 january 2021 02:37 1628

    It's the same for me on firefox, inspecting the element I see that "submenu-wrapper" element for the "Collect SG" menu item has no links in it, whereas the other menu items have links in their "submenu-wrapper" element. I hope this helps.

    14 january 2021 14:13 1628

    uhhh what?

    14 january 2021 17:40 1628

    My workstation: Chrome has the bug even with extensions disabled, Firefox (mostly not used, no add-on) doesn't.
    My home setup: Firefox has the bug with add-ons disabled, newly minted Edge has too.

    So apparently it's not a Chrome problem.

    14 january 2021 18:18 1628

    Update 2: Got it. The problem is caused by LOGGING IN GameHag. Try incognito Chrome or Firefox and you'll see the problem goes away. Passing it to the devs now, hopefully they will have a fix soon.

    15 january 2021 04:03 1628

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    15 january 2021 06:46 1628

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