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    World of Warships - Free Premium Bonus!

    (4.36/5) 9065 rates

    thıs game super duper good game ı thınk thıs game 1st game

    The game is indeed pretty fun when you get into the depths of things and I would reccomend you to

    2 december 2020 14:58 6547

    I wouldn't say it is 1st game, but i won't say it's bad. I played it even knowing it is not my game taste...
    And well, i really liked it.
    You can find a lot fun every single battle you play. Overall, when you think twice before making every attack and movement.
    I like the game controls and i have to say that the graphics and systems are pretty good. You don't need a beast pc to run it up.

    3 december 2020 16:29 6547

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