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    (4.3/5) 10839 rates

    The game is okay

    The game is okay but its hard to do and you lose almost every battle for some reason and the people on there are mean so its not a good game for the amount of SG you get, does anyone disagree with me? if so why?

    26 august 2020 00:00 2176

    I don't really understand how anyone would be mean. I haven't seen anyone write anything at any of my matches and I've played almost 100 already.

    The game also requires some though put into building your vehicles in order to avoid being destroyed rightaway. Make sure you shoot the enemy guns first as they can't kill you if they don't have weapons.
    I'm currently at 58 wins out of 98 battles so this seems like a solid strategy.

    26 august 2020 08:07 2176

    It is a decent game. I like to learn how to fit my needs in a car.

    26 august 2020 11:53 2176

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