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    How many hackers have you seen in pubg

    I've heard there are some hackers but am not sure so I wanna see what you guys think

    15 august 2020 09:15 2269

    my friend said he saw one, but he might just be tripping though

    15 august 2020 09:16 2269

    not much . but there are hackers . but pubg is a enagaing game

    15 august 2020 10:56 2269

    if u see hackers according to forums u should immediately report them so that pubg team can remove them

    15 august 2020 10:58 2269

    but i love pubg . it one of my favorite game

    15 august 2020 11:01 2269

    do u also like pubg . it rally enanging

    15 august 2020 11:01 2269

    Hackers is everywhere

    17 august 2020 14:12 2269

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