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    I need help with a task

    I'm wondering how I can see my total victories / prove that I have gotten 15 total victories via a screenshot

    30 july 2020 19:54 2176

    Go to profile -> Medals -> missions and the third mission shuold be ''Win 100 games against live players'' and it sais how many games out of hundred you have won. :)

    30 july 2020 21:16 2176


    30 july 2020 21:45 2176

    They rejected my task claiming it wasn't a new account. Yes it was... I made my user the same as here. No way I would have found this game without gamehag. Do they save money by rejecting tasks? actually , the game is only a few clicks , and you need to fight some and buy shields and some more staff or upgrade yourself , but at all its pretty nice game , i was make some upgrades

    31 july 2020 12:22 2176

    yh i know right? that was what happend to me when I sent my picture of completion to gamehag but I got rejected

    1 august 2020 17:33 2176

    why did you all get rejected lol? If Gamehag can't be trusted to give rewards I probably won't do it.

    2 august 2020 00:01 2176

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