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    How it works

    Summer 2 Rerun

    Or would you prefer the full title, "Revival: Dead Heat Summer Race! The Ishtar Cup of Hopes and Dreams 2019 - Lite"? I think not.


    We got a generous 2 weeks for this event, which means for the most part you don't even need to spend apples to clear the shop. Nice. Ishtar Rider is a good servant to have, also nice. Incomprehensible event mechanic, not nice. All in all, just a normal rerun event to cruise through, beside the fact that it began right at the end of the Skadi banner, so most master's quartz reserves are already depleted. Poor summer servants, these ones are.

    19 july 2020 17:01 5133

    I have no more quartz left after the Skadi banner lol

    23 july 2020 02:25 5133

    @otakutaco but did you get her?

    23 july 2020 04:00 5133

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