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    How to download the game?

    Hello. I am trying to download this game in my mobile device. After clicking "Play for Free", it gives me a link to open in my mobile device's browser. But, whenever i try to open the link, it shows blank webpage and the game does not download either. Can anyone help me please?

    11 july 2020 23:09 8370

    it did the same for me but after blank web page it must taje you to playstore

    11 july 2020 23:11 8370

    it does not take me to the playstore :(

    11 july 2020 23:12 8370

    is it filter on your country?or if is error use vpn

    12 july 2020 00:23 8370

    I don't use vpn. Is the game banned in USA?

    12 july 2020 00:24 8370

    Nevermind. I tried in different browser (Mozilla Firefox) and it redirected me to the play store to download the game. I don't know what is the problem with my default browser (Google Chrome) in my android device.

    12 july 2020 01:15 8370

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