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    How it works

    Which screenshot for reward

    I used a screenshot that my soldiers going to a level 2 camp, is that enough? Minimum requirement for going to hunt level 2 camp is level 7 castle and monster hunt 2 research so this should enough for prove that I complate mission, right?

    29 may 2018 01:15 2212

    yaa ,right ...i have the same confusion

    29 may 2018 10:38 2212

    please explain someone,,,how to earn gems
    by screenshot method

    29 may 2018 10:40 2212

    I used a screenshot that my soldiers going to a level 2 camp, is that enough? Minimum requirement for going to hunt level 2 camp is level 7 castle and monster hunt 2 research so this should enough for prove that I complate mission, right?

    29 may 2018 10:52 2212

    i have all my conditions that level7 castel and monster hunt 2 defeat...then how to get soul gems..by screeshot method
    soooooo god dammnnn ridiculous

    29 may 2018 20:45 2212

    there should have been a another method to prove ourselves not a liar

    29 may 2018 20:46 2212

    Screenshot the image that showed that you completed the task

    10 july 2020 19:20 2212

    it says auto verify

    31 july 2020 01:05 2212

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