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    Tasks for evreyone??

    Hey guys i have a question , i saw a guy which did a task 4 days a go and that task was not available for me and still is not , how this works?

    28 may 2018 21:03 1628

    Hey guys bir sorum var, 4 gün bir görev yapan bir adam gördüm ve bu görev benim için uygun değildi ve hala değil, nasıl çalışır?

    28 may 2018 22:28 1628

    same problem here

    29 may 2018 00:14 1628

    same here too!

    29 may 2018 00:42 1628

    the task and the prize ot the tasks varies according to country/region, as red_had said. It's not fair, but every country has a policy and rules about every game, there are games that aren't allowed on some countries, or the taxes are higher on some and lower on others, and all of this is taken into account when posting tasks

    29 may 2018 03:31 1628

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