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    Mirage CT Side Smoke Guide

    Mirage is an extremely popular map throughout the CS:GO community, not only in the pro scene but also in pugs and matchmaking. Mirage boasts some extremely helpful spots for the CT's when trying to hold and retake a site, and due to this it's extremely balanced on either side, helping to keep an even score line and not a washout like other maps such as Nuke. Being able to smoke and hold a site is crucial, not only to Mirage but any CS:GO map. Knowing where to position yourself and your crosshair will make that hold and retake just a tiny bit easier as you can throw your smokes quickly and smoothly every time allowing for a faster gameplay and the ability to start shooting the enemy team quicker! Most of the CT smokes are fairly simple so let's get straight into it. Simple default hold - This is a simple hold which can be used as a default on either eco rounds or buy rounds. It provides visibility over the entire map to ensure you know where the enemy team is coming from and also allows your team to smoke off key points with ease. Player 1 - Sits around B apartments to spot any rushes and can easily smoke off any area on the B site. Player 2 - Also goes to the B site and can sit either behind chair or in the shop. From chair you are able to spot short and smoke it off, while from shop, you can spot apartments and short as well. I personally prefer sitting in shop as it's the most beneficial viewing position to spot the enemies. Player 3 - Awps down mid and is able to watch for a mid rush to either B short or through mid to A. This player can also be used as a fast rotator due to his position being extremely close to both sites on the map. If the middle player does happen to get killed, it also makes it easy to spot where the opposition is going from the death cam and allow an A player to rotate around. Player 4 - Sits on A stairs with the ability to see palace and A ramp for pushes through smoke or just watch those areas in general. Also an ideal position to rotate to mid if the need arises to kill enemies trying to go mid to A or if the middle player dies. Player 5 - Also sits on A site providing support to player 4, while also spotting A ramp and the ability to watch mid / short B.

    22 june 2020 20:45 808

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