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    How it works

    Field to provide Reason for Rejection of Articles for Users

    When rating articles, at first the users are provided with just to choice, one is to mark it as a Plagiarized/Spam, which is just one click, and the other is to actually rate the whole article properly on multiple factors. This causes users to abuse the system and go for the first option as it saves time and offers the same amount of reward. As more and more users do so, the article ends up getting reported as Plagiarized/Spam even when it is not.

    I suggest that there should be a field for entering the reason for marking the article as spam, or a field to enter the URL of the source material in case the article is plagiarized. This is make these GS harvesters less likely to rate articles incorrectly, save the writers a lot of trouble, and provide the mods with a simple list of reasons/URLs to better judge if the article has been rater correctly by the users.

    I always try providing the source URL in the comments in case it is plagiarized, and have noticed that a few other raters have started doing the same. However, as this is not mandatory, only a handful few do this. Also, these comments are not accessible to the writer so in case the reason is something simple that can be fixed, the writers never get informed of them. But I recommend this special field's responses be visible to the article writer so that they can fix things and resubmit if possible.

    Also, the moderators should always use the responses in this field to verify if an article is being rejected for the correct reason or not. And maybe even add a penalty for those how rate incorrectly repeatedly for quick SGs. I am sure a lot many already have gained a lot of SGs by cheating the current system. My own article was rejected the first time, but when I resubmitted it the second time without making a single change, it got published. Which means all those who rated it as spam the first time must have for their rewards for rating "correctly", while I had to put in extra efforts to get my article published.

    14 june 2020 16:31 8369

    I'm curious, why do they even do this? They have moderators to check the articles.

    15 june 2020 03:11 8369

    I am pretty sure that the moderators don't hace to check if an article has been rejected by the users. It gets rejected automatically.

    15 june 2020 07:20 8369

    Agree with you absolutely. Just wanted to write the same suggestion :)

    And it would be glad if article authors could get back their texts if there are many mistakes (e.g. i the grammar basis is really poor, or fragments of drafts are left in the text, pictures are in the wrong order, etc.) so that they could fix them instead of have their works being rejected. But this may create more difficulties for both sides...

    15 june 2020 08:37 8369

    Yes, that too would be great. I have had my own articles voted as plagiarized because the first time I submitted them they were reject for some errors, like grammer or links, and when I submit them again the raters think it's another user plagiarising a previously submitted article.

    15 june 2020 08:39 8369

    Thanks KappaHype!
    Locking this thread.

    15 june 2020 19:21 8369

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