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    How it works

    Contract for people who write articles well

    I feel gamehag should give contracts to people who write articles extremely well and regularly.....gamehag can give them a fixed amount of sg daily, in turn they will post 1 or 2 articles of high quality daily.....this shall result in better quality of articles being posted and more satisfaction among people who work hard to write articles daily

    9 june 2020 14:02 8369

    There already exists such a role. They are the Redactors. I believe you can earn the role if you submit 10 approved articles or more. As far as I know, the only benefit you receive from it is that you may submit more articles at a time, increasing the number of SG you can earn at one go. Similar to the suggestion you made so locking thread.

    10 june 2020 17:58 8369

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