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    Hey guys, this article is a weapons guide for PUBG (Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds ). PUBG is an online multiplayer game which was released by Tencent Games and the PUBG corporation on 23 march 2017. This game has become unbelievably popular and has also popularized the genre of Battle Royale. There are 42 guns in PUBG, and choosing the right one can be a headache for newbies. So in this article I am giving you a detailed weapons guide on PUBG, while giving in-depth analysis and statistics on the best weapon of each category in the game.

    So lets not waste any more time and dive right into the article!

    Best Assault Rifle- M416


     The M416 is undoubtedly the most versatile weapon in the game. It uses 5.56mm ammunition which is abundantly available throughout the map. This Assault Rifle has solid damage, easily controllable bullet-spread and excellent range. In addition to all these amazing features, it also has extremely low recoil, making it a superb choice for any situation. The M416 is highly customisable, as it can be fitted with a muzzle, a grip, a magazine, a scope and a stock. This means that everyone can kit the M4 out according to their comfort. Personally, I feel the 6x is the best scope to use with the M416.

     Though its damage at long range isn’t great, it is certainly better than other rifles out there. If you have suitable attachments, then there is almost nothing that can beat an M416 at mid-range. I highly recommend that you use this weapon as it is an all-rounder at all ranges.


    • Hit Damage-41
    • Bullet Speed-880 m/s
    • Range-0-400 m
    • Firing Modes-Single, Auto
    • Magazine Size- 30 (extendable till 40)

    Best Sub-Machine Gun- Micro UZI


    The Micro UZI is a SMG that uses 9mm ammunition which is the most common ammo in the game. This seemingly harmless gun is deadly in the right hands as it has the highest firing rate in the game. This weapon has high fire-rate, negligible recoil, and a high spread, making it perfect for close quarters combat. This weapon is the perfect choice for eliminating campers. The Micro UZI can be fitted with a muzzle, a stock and a Red-Dot sight. I recommend you to always use a stock micro with this weapon as it reduces the spread, thus minimizing collateral damage.

     This weapon is best used as a secondary weapon with a long-range weapon as your primary weapon. A superbly effective combo that I love to use is M416+Micro UZI.


    • Hit Damage-26
    • Bullet Speed-350 m/s
    • Range-0-150 m
    • Firing Modes-Single, Auto
    • Magazine Size- 25 (extendable till 35)

    Best Bolt-Action Sniper- Karabiner-98 Kurz


     The Karabiner-98 is the best non-air drop sniper in PUBG. It is better than its counterpart, M24 due to slightly higher damage. This sniper uses 7.62 mm ammunition which is slightly rare. This gun can take down anyone who isn’t rocking a Spetsnaz helmet in one shot to the head! It’s only downside is it’s long reload time which can get you killed unless you have bullet loops. The Kar-98 has negligible recoil, making it an excellent weapon for hitting those headshots! It can be attached with a muzzle, a stock and any scope.

     Fit this gun with a 15x PM II scope and it becomes the perfect weapon for anyone who is confident of giving shots to the head!


    • Hit Damage-79
    • Bullet Speed-760 m/s
    • Range-0-550 m
    • Firing Modes-Single
    • Magazine Size- 5

    Best Designated Marksman Rifle-Mini 14


     The Mini -14 is a semi-automatic DMR which is great for people who love to single-tap their enemies from afar. This weapon uses 5.56mm rounds and has a sizable magazine capacity of 20 bullets, which can be further extended to 30! Though the Mini 14 has low damage, it makes up for this by having the highest bullet velocity in the game-990 m/s and low recoil. This makes it extremely easy to hit moving enemies even at long distances.

     This gun can be fitted with a muzzle, a magazine and all the scopes in the game. If your aim is mediocre, but you are good at button-spamming, then this is the right weapon for you. I advise you to use this weapon as a secondary weapon with a high damage AR as your primary weapon.


    • Hit Damage-79
    • Bullet Speed-990 m/s
    • Range-0-250 m
    • Firing Modes- Semi-Automatic
    • Magazine Size- 5

    Hope you guys enjoyed the article, let me know if you have any suggestions for me in the comments section!



    9 june 2020 10:29 1625

    this is a great guide for pubg!!!! thanks for posting this here :)

    15 february 2022 19:37 1625

    there is so much more to learn about pubg because i am a new player

    15 february 2022 19:38 1625

    AWM is really hard to find but still it is my favourite gun whenever i get it i kill every single player

    15 february 2022 19:39 1625

    can anyone guide me on how to gain uc faster in pubg?

    15 february 2022 19:40 1625

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