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    Adopt me scam games.

    These ''Adopt me'' games keep appearing in the popular section what do you think about this situation?

    8 june 2020 15:25 2173

    i personaly dont like adopt me, but i feel bad for the kids who clicked on ads or fake games to think that they get a free per, or alot of bucks, roblox should really do something about this type of scams, alot of kids or teens have lost their accoutns because of this, i have ecountered a scam ad saying that theyre giving out free legendary pets for free, so roblox needs to fix this issue so kids can be safe from this type of scam happening to roblox

    8 june 2020 15:53 2173

    I don't play adopt me and they need to be stopped.

    9 june 2020 23:33 2173

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