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    People abusing the Plagiarism/spam button

    Picture this. You're writing a guide for a video game, you spend 3 hours spell checking to make sure everything is perfect, you upload it, and it gets rejected in like 3 minutes. I get the feeling there are tons of people out there who just click the plagiarism/spam button without even reading what the article is about. Please gamehag, there has to be a better way to do this. People shouldn't be able to abuse the plagiarism/spam button just to get fast SG.

    27 may 2020 18:31 8369

    I spend 4-5 hours. I was sure that everything is perfect. I uploaded it and rejected by users because of plagıarism and spam

    28 may 2020 09:50 8369

    Bro, Plagiarism is not a good practise as it is a stealing hobby that will always bring a curse for us. Do make that saying true as haste makes waste

    29 may 2020 13:00 8369

    They should only allow users with the right age to report if it's plagiarized, or at least only the users which are level 4+

    30 may 2020 15:29 8369

    I know the feeling since its hard to create an article given that it should be grammatically correct or else it wont get published, spending time revising it over and over then it just gets rejected with one click of a button. it's just not fair.

    30 may 2020 16:14 8369

    I didn't know about this, I agree that some people might copy and paste some random review and stuff. But most of us who really try to make good reviews/walkthroughs/guides etc. It is not fair for us to get our article down just because some people want easy gems

    1 june 2020 19:48 8369

    a writer should not put too much affection into his work, he is supposed to find a way to improve his work instead of giving excuses as work is an endless subject, sure sometimes you feel bad after spending so much time in that work and having it rejected but you must not think too much just keep on moving on.

    2 june 2020 14:40 8369

    It really does make it hard for people to even get their genuine article published.

    3 june 2020 13:09 8369

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