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    What to get early game?

    Or maybe just save the money?

    24 may 2020 11:48 808

    On the first round u can talk to ur team 1 people should buy KIT 2 people should buy armor and the other 2 can buy nades. It actually depends on the map u will be playing if u lose the 1st round just eco so u can have better gun on the 3rd round if not and want to surprise the enemy because they will know that u guys are probably doing eco u can Force Buy just to surprise them with mp9 somethin like that xD

    24 may 2020 17:31 808

    you should not buy armour because it is useless

    24 may 2020 17:34 808

    armor is not useless helmets sometimes are but armor not. Unless its against SG 553 which has 100% armor penetration armor is never useless and can make you survive 1 more shot which is very important in this game

    24 may 2020 20:58 808

    Unless you're real confident that you can land your headshots 100% of the time , Do NOT get any other pistol. Get the vest. And if you ARE that confident, Deagle or just any other weapon you like using. I'm saying deagle because if you land headshots it's probably a 1-shot-death if not 2
    Oh and you either Get the Vest or the Kit. I personally choose the vest for ct due to me dying way too early before the bomb is even planted.

    25 may 2020 04:14 808

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