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    Whats the problem? The game? Cheaters? or Toxic players?

    I think the problem could be the cheaters and valve doesnt give a **** about that that's why most people are being toxic too idk its just my thoughts.

    22 may 2020 07:12 808

    True true. Valve seems to not give a **** about the game. They rarely accept feedback and the game is full of hackers. Good thing they get banned pretty fast.

    22 may 2020 08:07 808

    The game is full of cheaters, but to be honest I have a prime account and I haven't played with or against a cheater for at least 3 months now.

    22 may 2020 11:52 808

    cheaters are a problem, toxic players are just something you will have to deal with on any game, but i think valve should give more attention to other game modes. gun games are cool, but when you think about the community servers in 1.6, there were some cool modes like superheroes and zombie

    23 may 2020 00:50 808

    Both Cheaters and Toxic Players are ruining the game experience. Likely I have prime so they are not that usual (cheaters), but encounter toxic players a lot, and it just makes the game hard and least pleasent

    23 may 2020 12:26 808

    cheaters is a big problem for the game

    23 may 2020 13:14 808

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