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    How it works

    Rewards delivery time

    What I see before I order a reward: Estimated delivery time is less than 24 hrs Me: Click order After one day~~ What I saw: Delivery time - Up to 31 days F***

    11 march 2018 08:05 1628

    Sigh, what a bad formatting on gamehag.

    11 march 2018 08:06 1628

    idk how they measure the reward deliver time, it's always random,
    the only thing not random is you always get random steam key on chest (if there's runes, so you'll get runes)

    when you create the topic thread it doesn't show as what you typed
    only when you're replying or leaving comment, then it would show as you typed.
    hope them fixed it.

    11 march 2018 17:58 1628

    yes, exactly

    12 march 2018 01:12 1628

    the only thing not random is you always get random steam key on chest (if there's runes, so you'll get runes)
    ^true as my real life :D

    Well I hope they will fix it but mostly they won't because I think that they seldom check these forum threads.

    12 march 2018 14:29 1628

    I really want to see if someone really won another thing not as random steam key neither runes

    14 march 2018 08:39 1628

    I saw someone won FIFA 17 from a chest before, he had posted a screenshot in the Discord group. IIRC, it was from last year around August.

    14 march 2018 10:34 1628

    Just an update for myself, today is the 18th day since I ordered my steam wallet, still waiting. Peace.

    14 march 2018 10:35 1628

    just w8 72 hours to claim it dude

    26 december 2018 12:13 1628

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