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    Have you gotten your screenshots rejected?

    Have you gotten your screenshots rejected? If you've gotten them accepted, please share with the rest of the community! :)

    19 may 2020 16:10 2176

    You can't play on the same Gejin account, for example if you played any other game made by them, and compeleted one of the games task on this website, you have to make a new account to do another task on this website

    20 may 2020 15:57 2176

    Yeah my screenshots get rejected every time, I've done everything they've asked for and tried many different screenshots with taskbar showing and that but they still reject it. Be nice if they told me what I was doing wrong :/

    20 may 2020 21:30 2176

    I showed my 15 wins, and they rejected my task. So include me too.

    23 may 2020 16:33 2176

    got rejected 6 times by now... have done everything the task says to do but still nothing works

    24 may 2020 00:55 2176

    i just sent my screenshot for the fourth time, but used a red marker to circle around the achievement of winning 100 battles against live players, just to tell the "bot' that the screenshot is eligible. I REALLY HOPE THIS TIME IT WILL WORK.

    24 may 2020 18:34 2176

    im sorry but at all it dosent work for me

    24 may 2020 18:52 2176

    going to submit it for the thrid time now, hope it can finally not get rejected

    25 may 2020 03:59 2176

    I'm connected to steam for my account

    25 may 2020 12:22 2176

    I also got rejected for my Winner II medal when it was at 15

    25 may 2020 12:22 2176

    Will you get rejected if you have more than 15 wins for the 15 wins mission?

    25 may 2020 12:23 2176

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