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    How it works

    Which spray pattern do you know best?

    I think I find m4a1 spray pattern easiest to learn. It's a very nice rapid fire weapon. Very entertaining to use

    17 may 2020 09:34 808

    The AK47 spray pattern is the most iconic spray pattern in the game, even the M4 also has a similar pattern to it as well but what made me more surprised was how easy it was to control the Galil and the SG553's Spray pattern.
    for the cost of only $1800, the Galil is an underrated weapon on the T side with a similar stat of an M4A4 yet with an easier yet tighter spray pattern than the AK47.
    the SG553, on the other hand, is a more expensive weapon than the AK47, but the main benefits of this weapon comes from its 100% Armor penetration and low first shot inaccuracy (slightly nerfed but it still can act as an automatic sniper rifle), many people tend to move their mouse hard down to the left due to the SG553's previous spray pattern but now that the fire rate of the SG is reduced, it is much more easier to control it without causing any wrist problems

    17 may 2020 18:32 808

    AK47. M4A4 is also a pretty known one. Whoever says M4A1S is dumb af. First of all the gun barely has any recoil, there is no spray to be done when there isnt any recoil ****

    19 may 2020 16:48 808


    20 may 2020 07:00 808


    20 may 2020 09:03 808

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